Pearly Sweetcake

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Pearly Sweetcake

seed, stem, leaf, flower, & root of all evil
The Borderlands movie was gonna flop anyway, but Claptrap, one of the main characters, has to *perfectly* balance "preternaturally annoying" with "begrudgingly charming." And they cast the now-socially radioactive Jack Black in that crucial role. They got every single thing wrong lmao
Me: hey Kid, do you know the song that goes "Mariana, Mariana"? Kid: [looks extremely doubtful] I thiink... maybe? it's? [sings the entire chorus of Mary On A Cross] Me: ...I keep forgetting that when you say "umm... I thiiink?" what you really mean is "I ABSOLUTELY KNOW THIS ANSWER." Kid: 😁.
Shutting up is free except for the +10 psychic damage.
SOMEONE is working overtime on NONSENSE while neglecting their core duties!!! 💀
We lost Dr. Ruth AND Richard Simmons?? Stopppp 😭
Right now seems like the perfect occasion to NOT say anything incriminating on the Internet!
We lost Dr. Ruth AND Richard Simmons?? Stopppp 😭
"Alexa, play a chill acoustic mix." [5m later] "I don't want a lot for Christmas..." "ALEXA, FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP!" WHAT THE FUCK
A falling knife has no handle, which is why my left foot has an actual stab wound tonight. The knife went *thunk.* Into my bones. And I ask again, who needs nightmares when you can live out your personal horrors during waking hours?
PMS: Poisoning My Self
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
No king No queen No gods No masters No heroes No idols
I have exactly one (1) person in my entire life who's willing to even consider discussing the fact that six (6) people decided we officially live in a monarchy on Monday & everyone else is acting like I'm a COMPLETE asshole for being upset at all. I don't actually know anyone, do I?
Justice can be achieved with or without the judiciary. It was their choice. They woke up and chose
Free speech is dead bc now the president can legally kill you for what you say without fear of repercussion. The free press is dead for the same reason. All of the other protections we had are gone. This ruling literally changes everything, everything. SCOTUS murdered America today.
The Court has purported to strip us of all legal recourse for crimes committed by the most powerful person in the nation. Each and every one of us is now, effectively, at the mercy of an autocrat, who could order our death if he simply made the pretense of connecting it to his official duties.
America is very literally dead. This is not America anymore. You need never stand for the anthem or the pledge of allegiance or participate in any acts of respect for this place ever again. It's over. The experiment failed. Rest In Piss.
Anyone deemed "above the law" belongs under the ground.
My BFF died by suicide almost 5 years ago. Yesterday would have been her 50th birthday. Today the comfy camp chair that she left on my porch shredded out at the seat and died. Seems apropos. I'm so tired of grieving.
❌ “I'm six feet tall, which was fairly impressive in the 1780s when I was a young mortal man. I have thick blond hair, not quite shoulder length, and rather curly, which appears white under fluorescent light.“ ✅ “Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way”
what is your favourite black and white movie?
what is your favourite black and white movie?
"Hey Kid, you watch Hazbin yet?" "Oof, NO." [face] "Ok. What kind of music you listening to lately?" "Tombstone." "Living Tombstone? Sam Haft? That guy writes their songs!!" "...what." "Yeah, and on Helluva Boss. It's like [your favorite show] Invader Zim... in Hell." "CAN WE WATCH IT RIGHT NOW?!"
Kid turned up today for summer vacation with a short green mullet, a spiked dog collar, and no eyebrows. It's giving Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. And it's so much cooler than I've ever looked in my entire life.
H-O-T T-O G-O, snap and clap and touch your toes raise your hands, now body roll AUGH don't touch me, don't touch me, it's my back oh god my back went out
If they tried to teach my kid the bible in school I would burn that fucking school to the ground and salt the earth.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
Lost the Cybertruck game today. Please know that I drove a purple PT Cruiser for six years, so when I say that this thing looks so dumb it's embarrassing, I know exactly what I'm talking about.
It is better to send flowers while they are still alive and awake to receive them
"Good news, guys! I don't have to go to bed anymore because all my dreams are coming true in the daytime!" - Kyle Kinane
Seems like a LOT of people have forgotten rule #1: On the internet, no one knows you're a dog. Conflict isn't entirely avoidable, esp if you're an asshole, but getting vulnerable online & handing people the tools to dismantle you, then clutching your pearls when you get got-- it's self-sabotage.
persistent memory: telling off my father when I was about 19, living with grandma, "you may have grown up here but I live here now and you will not talk to me that way in my own home!" and then scampering to my bedroom & locking the door. it worked, though. unbelievably, it worked.