Summer Jackel

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Summer Jackel

Gay coyote-with-a-hint-of-collie in a redwood forest. Art, pictures, words, fiddle, equestrian, handler of a beloved and diverse pack. She/her, flexibly. 18+

Pedestrian wolf; animal eloquence, sometimes.
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Color study of this one particular fish
What a pretty cat! Congratulations!
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this is an exciting development /polishes glassware/
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I mean…all medical care and prevention should be.
COVID testing should still be free.
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꽃피는 사막인 아타카마 사막 연간 강수량은 연간 강수량이 15㎜, 일부 지역은 1~3㎜에 불과해서 지구에서 가장 건조한 사막으로 불린답니다. 아타카마 사막에는 인간이 강우량을 측정하기 시작한 이래 비가 단 한 방울도 오지 않은 지역도 있고요. 보통 5~7년 주기로 9~10월 사이 꽃이 피기도 하지만, 요즘은 큰 비가 내려 한겨울에 개화한답니다. 이런 폭우는 슈퍼 엘니뇨 현상 때문이랍니다.
oh, it's be nice to bugs day? This child of the earth definitely did not belong in my kitchen, and has been carefully relocated to the garden, far from the chickens and ducks. I find them to be the squishiest and oogiest of bugs. Compelling though. I wish her good luck and comfort outside.
"hey there, I'm Houndstooth Travers and this is Radiolab..."
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"Celestial Deer" Personal art
River tends to ramp up energy, thus her 'deescalate' cue, which is effective and also gets me some great incredulous looks. She just started to bark about some kids, swallowed her yip, and went to curl up alertly on her hassock. I told her that was a wonderful deescalation, thanked and pet her.
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chaos children! I love every ridiculously elongated one of them
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🍜 brick chicken and homemade hibiscus wine
this was SO GOOD omg nom nom nom The meat shop handed me this already very flat chicken when I asked for one and I immediately knew that your treatment was going to be: remove its spine, press it with bricks and make it even flatter. delish
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That's very cute, and I'm intrigued. I look forward to seeing updates!
it's better when the broccoli is vegetarian-friendly
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Loyal, quick to sacrifice — your finest trait, your fatal vice.
oh what a lovely black nose!!!
I literally stopped and gasped when I saw. Time lurched a little bit. look at where it put out a branch and then another trunk. That sub trunk is the size of a young, but not necessarily tiny, redwood...
This is one of the coolest, weirdest old redwoods I've ever met. Humboldt SP, CA.
I think if you're learning falsehoods at home but learning critical thinking in school, you have a much better chance of growing up and figuring out the BS.
cool!!! I mean, I know hares in general are not small beasts but. I did not know about the huge golden blue-eyed hares and I am glad to know now, bc they are impressive!
oh wow, I didn't know about the golden hares! They are beautiful!
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a strange and beautiful beast not of this nation not of this realm not of this earth ✨🦄🌈 #👽🍄
his absolute favorite, yeah he is a lot better after a bath and a brushing, though.
it is Stupidly Hot right now but Annapurna's undercoat is FINALLY releasing; and it is actually lifting all at once, like a qiviut he's much more comfortable. but I love him in full coat, so here it is before it mercifully dropped off for the summer