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Living life like I mean it. I want to know more about the world and my place in it. (she/her | þey/þem)
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
question for the parents in the room: how do I handle it when i break a "rule" in front of a toddler? I don't want to say "adults can do things kids can't" because I feel like it's potentially the wrong lesson, but also, I want to set my marshmallows on fire without upsetting the kid.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Did you know that having fucked-up joints sucks bad?
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Oh you're a pundit? Name every pun
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Reposting for the nighttime (or daytime, I don’t know where you are) crowd. Buying books or suggesting them to your local library are the best ways to help this #ME/CFS and #longCOVID having author this #DisabilityPrideMonth. #HelpSky
So. Things are pretty rough. A mutual aid-ish thread. In 2023, I had to leave my job because of long COVID. I’m in the process of applying for disability, but it is long, vague, and not a sure thing. SSDI limits my ability to accept work, but with my lawyer’s blessing, I am still writing.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Sometimes the “I can’t write because the world is on fire” feeling turns into an “I must write because the world is on fire” feeling, so don’t quit.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
We understand this correct? Project 2025 is not fringe on the right. It's just that everyone in the center and on the left doesn't pay attention to evangelicals cause y'all think they're funny and weird instead of wildly fucking dangerous. Project 2025 is dead serious and extremely popular.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Every August, typeface designers flock to the middle of the desert for a week of sex & drugs, and they erect a large wooden word with all the spacing fucked up. They call it Kerning Man
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
From Insta: When your therapist tells you: "The fact that you're considered 'high functioning' doesn't mean your illness is easier for you to deal with. It means it's easier for others to deal with." ☝️Interesting bookends to my day👇
You're a person, not a chore.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
These chodes can't even work a semicolon.
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
A reality show where there are ten dentists and they have to find the one who disagrees
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
“Unhinged” implies that I was once “hinged.” I am as hingeless as the day God made me.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Kaiconic is hilarious, highly recommend!
plz reskeet if you listened to kaiconic! trying to get enough downloads this week to cover living expenses & rent for july
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
TO THIS DAY the mfs at corporate are still ignoring me about this
who wants to hear the story of how the racist manager at the 7eleven at 1550 n glendale blvd kicked me out of the store today and threatened to call the cops for trying to use my in app rewards points to redeem a free small coffee??
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Write books with the intention of getting them banned by the worst people on earth.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
A week ago one of my mutuals out of nowhere sent me a super kind and encouraging note and it made my whole day. A highly recommended activity. Go give someone some encouragement. I would bet good money they need it.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
We should have three presidents per ticket: 1st shift president, 2nd shift president, and Waffle-house chair girl
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
I've got a bad feeling about this...
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
sorry if this is too kinky but can you hold my hand and tell me i mean a lot to you
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Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
#HelpPeopleSurvive Help pay for meds.👇
this just in. can’t afford to refill my nausea meds, the NSAID, or my birth control which prevents me from having a period and dealing with what is likely Endo to the full extremity without. BC helps limits my flares during the month andddd now i’ll be without the only one that works for me.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
I read agony aunt columns and AITA stuff. There's a new one in Prudence this week behind a paywall so I didn't read beyond the question. The question was My partner just came out as trans. IDC what gender they are, but it's he/they now. How do I best support him. My answer as a cis woman is...
That's what you ask your trans partner, or any partner going through an experience which isn't about you, and one that is hard. You tell them that you don't understand all of what they are going through but you want to offer your (unconditional ideally) love and support and ask them how to do that
The purpose of the Kobayashi Maru test is to put the candidate in a position which is hopelessly fucked. Where there are no good options. Maybe their decisions led them to that no-win situation, maybe it was just bad luck, but it doesn't matter at that point: they are now fucked.
Reposted byAvatar ❝marti❞
this is literally evidence that he is still sharp. people with significant cognitive decline don’t catch flubs like this in real time. people with dementia don’t catch them at all. it’s like calling someone feeble who tripped over a curb and regained their balance without falling.
Now everyone--The Times and, sorry to say, MSNBC--is noting every missed syllable. The man has a stutter. I don't stutter but I am a mushmouth who speaks too fast and slurs words. I've had to overcome fear of public speaking. I have empathy for Biden. The press has empathy for no one (but Trump).