
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
But if they don’t do it, the future AI will murder them for failing to create the future AI.
wHaT iF cHiNa gEtS tHE mURdeR AI FiRSt…
Remember it's not about the murder's about the race for short term profits at the expense of everything that makes the world worth living in along the way
It's not about the murder ai it's about the friends we made along the way
Maybe the real horrific Murder AI experience was the friends with 16 fingers we generated along the way
...Geez it's like a slot machine to them. Keep pulling the handle, the big payout will surely come soon if we keep pulling the handle.
“Nobody asked for all these potatoes but I keep peeling them and now my hands hurt and my house is full of peeled potatoes. Ho hum, better keep peeling”
Wtf. Thats why it was always natural to develop creativity first, then skill. AI bros go right to ‘instant gratification’ but never exercised their imagination before so they don’t know what they’re ‘making’ [having produced, rather] or, importantly, why they’re doing it. No point of view, just slop
Yeah... companies really do seem to love making pigheaded decisions that ruin their reputation with their customers as long as it makes them money.
It's crazy to me that all these art companies, whose own primary customers are artists who make real art are all diving into ai slop, to alienate the people they depend on most. Just incredible decision making
Oh god they might snatch up all the real estate in the torment nexus
gotta make sure I'm the basilisk's court jester
God the amount of times Ive seen techbros say this stupid shit and also that Europe is regulating too hard and strangling their innovation. “Falling behind!” Falling behind, from fucking AUTOCOMPLETE. They are goddamn ridiculous and unserious people.
“Mr. President, we must not allow a mine-shaft gap!” There was literally a movie about this in the fucking sixties.
Tbh I don’t think irl Skynet would hold grudges I think our extermination would be pretty impersonal if that’s the direction it chooses to go
There’s a really stupid thought experiment where an AI eternally tortures the people who didn’t support building the AI, and a lot of tech bros are into the idea.
You're giving it too much credit, it doesn't torture you, it tortures an ai duplicate of you. How can you tell you aren't also simula- damn there's no good jerk off motion emoji
Ah good old Roko’s Basilisk and it’s torture nexus
But if I don’t create the torment nexus I’ll be put in it for forever :(
nobody ever thinks to create two so you can put each in the other. problem solved
If you do not help build this basilisk it will put you in the bad false universe with the other basilisk
No, that would be silly to believe. It will torture AI clones of them that don't know they're AI clones, so because they might be such a clone themselves they should hasten the future AI to protect the identity clone collective from punishment. Which is obviously much more logical and likely.
Probably. I mean I just described the basilisk as I remember reading it, because I think a lot of the summaries make it sound somehow more reasonable that it is.
The plot of the Terminator sequels is more reasonable than it is.
It all feels like someone got high and thought "I bet I can reinvent Pascal's Wager but without God" and then someone else bought into it. If you told me it was invented on a bet at a sci-fi con I'd say "Two nickels? Sure."