Tom Carpenter

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Tom Carpenter

You know me from twitter. Data/Social/Survey science. PhD but I pretend I don’t have one now. Reformed academic with a passion for alt-ac
Beautiful low tide today in seattle!
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About to use a Python script I wrote in 2014 to extract data from a TB-sized database I haven't touched since 2017.
The most important data science skill is the ability to sniff out where to find signal in a mess of tables and convert that into a column that a model could use
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Good night, moon Great view from Seattle tonight
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
time to take the graded exams into my office in case anyone wants to come by and pick theirs up
What in the ggplot?
Today I was introduced to what was described as the Worst Plot In Exoplanet Science, and frankly, it is a work of art
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
The best postscripts to an invitation I've ever seen. [via Scott Ruplin]
Love my PNW. What a beautiful and marvelous world. So lucky we get to be here for a while.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Sharp spike in COVID-19 in Bay Area wastewater - some of the highest levels of the whole pandemic. When people say "but COVID is over," they're wrong. Mask up in indoor spaces and get your boosters if you haven't.
COVID Is Still Rising Again in Bay Area Wastewater. Why? | How a summer uptick in COVID-19 numbers may have already started early in the Bay — and what to know about COVID-19 symptoms, testing, incubation and isolation guidance in 2024.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Given the observation that students (and researchers!) in psychology keep confusing mediation and moderation, one would think that at some point it occurred to people to (1) use different labels and (2) stop teaching them in one breath, because they’re about completely different things.
Twitter parity Good to see all the old folks here. I missed you!
It’s not science unless I likes it
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I hate that I agree with Elon here but it can very much be science even if it’s not published and it is silly to argue otherwise. Peer review and publication are an important part of the scientific process but they are not the sine qua non of doing science.
Science is a process The “institution of science” goes beyond + requires dissemination and vetting You can “do science” by yourself—generate learnings—and never participate in the institution The institution requires more. But don’t conflate science with the institution of science.
Science is a process The “institution of science” goes beyond + requires dissemination and vetting You can “do science” by yourself—generate learnings—and never participate in the institution The institution requires more. But don’t conflate science with the institution of science.
People on twitter debating what science is, arguing that publication and scholarship are required for something to be science. Really? So my preprint is not science until someone reads it? Until it’s written? I’ve only done science when producing a paper? Serious case of “if a tree falls…”
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
None of this should be a mystery to anyone - Layoffs past and present - Difficulties landing a job post layoff - Macro changes in cost of living in cities over last decade - Insane costs for housing, medical, and other necessities - Large student loan debt not present in prior generations
a lot of people misunderstand the "vibecession" debate. the question isn't "is the economy good?" the question is "what explains the unprecedented disconnect between consumer sentiment and economic performance?"
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
I love how when we first got the internet, Wikipedia was an "unreliable source" and now it's one of the last remaining websites that's actually fact checked
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Who in the academic / stats / data fam plays guitar (or another instrument)? A group of us are doing a collab and want contributions from as many people as possible. It’s a blues in A. The first two peeps are here And the files to make your own are here
Tom Carpenter, PhD on X: "@MarvinSchmittML My reply" / @MarvinSchmittML My reply
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Thinking about the transition to industry? Come join Michelle Lee, Helena Karnilowicz, Elizabeth Creighton, Zachary Heinemann, and with on May 1 as they share their networking journey within and outside of academia. #PsychSciSky
Event Details Impexium Association Management Software
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Join our webinar May 1 & learn all about networking in industry & academia from Michelle Lee, Helena Karnilowicz, Elizabeth Creighton, Zachary Heinemann, and Register:
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
Anytime somebody tells you something’s socially constructed, just remember that social constructivism is just some idea that people made up
Reposted byAvatar Tom Carpenter
"Power to Detect What?" "All analyses have high power to detect some (large) effects and low power to detect some (small) effects." BlueSky Authors: Open Access: #Methodology #Psychology #Stats 🧪
Academics reviewing papers— Please do not assess for novelty. That incentivizes the wrong things Assess for “we learned something we didn’t know that has importance” Journal level = how much learning reqd That incentivizes people to ask + answer questions in ways that contribute to knowledge
Seattle outdoor sports weather