
very honestly coming around to the view that the paradigm of non-toxic, community-driven masculinity we need can be shorthanded by "dudes rock"
It's fun to slag on teenage boys but IMO they're not so much ideologically right-wing as they are desperate for the approval and mentorship of older dudes a lot of the time, and we are letting them down on that score (either by trying to indoctrinate them or not interacting with them at all).
curiosity, perseverence, fellowship, sprawl: it's all there!
One problem is that we don't actually believe these are "masculine" qualities. At least I don't
That doesn't really help if Dudes Rock is supposed to be the new masculinity. If it goes the way it has historically, if enough (and "enough" doesn't have to be a very high percentage) ladies Dig Hole, Dig Hole will no longer be a dude thing. Maybe this time will be different! IDK.
Not trying to piss on your project, but there are real pitfalls folks should be aware of.