Ted Fickes

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Ted Fickes


Sigh. Another social platform. That will make it all better. I write a newsletter, of course, work on community and content strategy and walk the dog a lot.
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Just to circle the point law enforcement is a big reason why we don’t have stronger privacy protections in the US. A big part of what’s made our economy so scammy is the desire to keep multiple loopholes open for state surveillance.
"Called Spy Pet, the service’s creator says it scrapes more than ten of thousand Discord servers, and besides selling access to anyone with cryptocurrency, is also offering the data for training AI models or to assist law enforcement agencies, according to its website."
A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ Messageswww.404media.co 404 Media tested the service, called Spy Pet, and verified it is collecting information on Discord users, including the messages they post across usually disparate servers.
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Today the Federal Trade Commission sued to stop the merger of grocery stores Kroger and Albertsons. Why does it matter, and what does tech have to do with it? Resurfacing this from Jeffrey Chester that explains what's at stake: techpolicy.press/the-commerci...
The Commercial Surveillance Marketing Storm Driving the Albertsons and Kroger Deal | TechPolicy.Presstechpolicy.press Transactions that undermine competition, privacy, and expand commercial surveillance should not be permitted, says Jeffrey Chester.
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If you were a homebuilder would you keep working for a company that said: "Light the house on fire when you're done...sure, it's bad for the house but if the owner wants to live in it that's up to them." I suppose this guy would. www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/...
Florida surgeon general defies science amid measles outbreakwww.washingtonpost.com Florida surgeon general Joseph A. Ladapo failed to urge parents to vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from school as a precaution.
Jeffrey Bean on "impactful" Impactful leadership, impactful new products and strategies and synergies, there’s another one. Strip-mall words that make plastics and prisons, clear cut woods. Words made to fuck us, friends, and in the fucking burn much fuel. laurelreview.org/jeffrey-bean
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“A steep increase in petrochemical production in China and the US has led to a global oversupply of industrial chemicals used in plastics, sending the price of new material so low that its recycled alternative has become uneconomical to use.”
Petrochemical glut makes new plastic cheaper than recycledwww.ft.com Surge in manufacturing in China and US leads to oversupply of products such as polyethylene
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Remember, Democratic Mayors are perfectly comfortable defunding libraries. Has this happened in your city? This happens consistently in Denver. The library had to ask voters directly for a separate funding stream to get adequate, not ideal, financial support
Was gifted a copy of "The Blood Telegram" yesterday so guess we'll start life in a kissinger-free world by reading about one of his genocidal escapades. The link is to Dexter Filkins's 2013 review of the book. www.nytimes.com/2013/09/29/b...
Collateral Damage (Published 2013)www.nytimes.com Promoting their opening to China, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger countenanced mayhem in South Asia.
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225 and counting
NEW: More than 200 publications have joined Substackers Against Nazis. My update on our efforts here: www.thehandbasket.co/p/more-than-...
Yesterday I learned that Venmo blocks the word "nazi" in its app. Though not "n*zi". This stuff isn't rocket science. I suppose a payment app isn't a "marketplace of ideas" like Substack. But both are companies that monetize users and make choices about if/how they support hate and violence.
BREAKING: I just posted a letter to Substack leadership seeking answers to questions about the platforming and monetizing of Nazis. It was written by a collective of publishers and is being shared today on each of our individual Substacks. Read in full here: www.thehandbasket.co/p/substacker...
Looking for a job?! * Director of Development & Revenue: Kansas City Defender airtable.com/app5LcatG4NZ... * Deputy National Editor: Capital B capital-b.breezy.hr/p/fb51f2837d... * Director of Events: Economic Security Project economicsecurityproject.org/careers/#job... MORE: tinyurl.com/fcjobs1
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it’s instructive how many people feel comfortable saying they think having literal nazis on a platform is good.
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Substack has a problem.
It's a choice to platform and monetize hate and Substack could make the right choice if they wanted to. Gratitude to everyone involved in this action (esp Marisa and Jonathan). I shared the open letter with Future Community subscribers here: open.substack.com/pub/futureco...
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It's a choice to platform and monetize hate and Substack could make the right choice if they wanted to. Gratitude to everyone involved in this action (esp Marisa and Jonathan). I shared the open letter with Future Community subscribers here: open.substack.com/pub/futureco...
BREAKING: I just posted a letter to Substack leadership seeking answers to questions about the platforming and monetizing of Nazis. It was written by a collective of publishers and is being shared today on each of our individual Substacks. Read in full here: www.thehandbasket.co/p/substacker...
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There are *thousands* of sheriff & DA elections in 2024. And filing deadlines are already passing! So I jumped into them, identifying the 2,200+ races & reviewing early hotspots. Bail, CJ reform, jail deaths, immigrants' rights: here's why they matter. NEW:
The Thousands of Local Elections That Will Shape Criminal Justice Policy in 2024boltsmag.org Counties across the nation are electing DAs and sheriffs next year. <i>Bolts</i> guides you through the early hotspots.
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0 city hall reporters 0 labor reporters 0 civil rights reporters 0 police reporters 100000 Ivy League reporters Someone help me my newspaper is dying
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Taking a break from the fossil-fuel takeover of COP28: exciting climate action, great policy nerds, and transformative job opportunities!
Time for the good folkshillheat.news No bad news, no bad guys today, only action and opportunity.
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Women CEOs Finally Outnumber CEOs Named John Respect to this headline writer. msmagazine.com/2023/05/05/w....
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There is no hell hot enough for Henry Kissinger.
If news headlines were written realistically…