The Aleks (they/them) - current mood: barely hanging on

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The Aleks (they/them) - current mood: barely hanging on

I make art, video games, tabletop roleplaying games, that kind of thing. Very cool. The Poochie of social media.
I'm gonna (try to) put Arch Linux on like a decade old laptop I scavenged. Then I am going to learn to use tiling window managers ... Why? I don't know ... It's a thing to do, I guess. It doesn't really matter in the end. None of this matters.
There are 24 hours left for this year's bundle. It's your last chance to take direct action to radically support queer artists this year, and get nearly 500 games, TTRPGs, comics, and more in return. It's $60, the prize of one AAA game. (Or just $10.) ⌛️
Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!) by Queer Games Bundle and 271 Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!): 489 items for $60.00
I am once again experiencing the urge to put Linux on something ... I don't know whether that's a good sign or a bad one, honestly.
Sometimes you, like, code a bunch of stuff, and then you go to finally test it, and it ... actually just ... works?
The notion that Soulslike games necessarily place the PC in the position of someone with no power, renown, or status is wild to me. Yeah, the worlds are a little bleak and the NPCs neg you a little, but these are still your standard power and glory "chosen one" simulators, mostly.
After months of game-jamming and some ... very limited, but not ENTIRELY unsuccessful, crowdfunding, my Godot visual novel / adventure game / gamebook framework has come a long way. Just finished getting the gamebook - RPG component set up with Disco style in-dialogue skill checks and all that jazz.
How would y'all feel about a Cosmic Horror / Weird Horror ttrpg without sanity mechanics (because I have enough "sanity loss" in real life, tyvm) and without any Lovecraft lore (cause he named his cat what he named his cat, so fuck him on behalf of all people and cats)? It'll be good.
The MVA is threatening to suspend my driver's license because I have fucking sleep apnea and apparently didn't fill out some form well enough or quickly enough, so I guess the government is more than happy to QUICKLY acknowledge impairment or disability if doesn't cost them anything, huh ....
God, I was just on twitter again for like five minutes, and boy, it's not aged well...
Creatives are constantly told there's so little demand for our work they can't employ or pay us, but they turn around and invent ways of harvesting our work to get it for free so they can make even more money without us. There's demand, and money, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
I like how every day I wake up and publishing says "books are worthless, you're worthless, we're putting all manuscripts into a shredder and firing our staff" and my brain scabs over and I go "time to write :)"
“…game history and appreciating games, is a lot bigger than their commercial sector. Programming things from your bedroom, and sharing that on floppy disks, is very much at the core of this story too.”
i wrote a post while stuck at the airport: Thinking About The Berlin Computerspiele Museum (Computer Games Museum) “A thoughtful curation of videogame history…just all out on display AND most of it invites you to actually honest to god TOUCH and PLAY.”
Thinking About The Berlin Computerspiele Museum (Computer Games Museum)
So good I had to alt text it
Hi, do you like mysteries, murders, and long ruminations on urban decay? Do you like retro aesthetics, visual novels, art, love, and supporting queer, disabled artists / game developers living in poverty? Boy, do I have the crowdfunding campaign for you ... It's mine.
Underworld Blues: The Chameleon's Dish - A Mystery Visual "Underworld Blues: The Chameleon's Dish" is a visual novel / point-and-click adventure by noted freakedelics auteur Aleks "The Aleks" Samoylov. Enter a world of small town crime, murder, love, pandime...
I feel like artists who've managed to continue to make art, regardless of financials, for at least ten years of their lives and have reached a minimum age of 35 should be legally exempt from dealing with mother-flippin "creative discourse" or feeling like they have to give a shit about feedback.
The combat system in Honkey Star Train is pretty good, but I feel like they missed an opportunity by not implementing having a mid-battle character switch mechanic. I doubt that any of the battles will be challenging enough to warrant it, but it'd really add some extra tacticality to the mix.
Me: Mario, Mario. Wherefore art thou Mario? Mario: Because that's-a my name that-a my mamma gave me! Also, it's-a my a-surname, a-depending on a-which a-piece of a-media you-a go by! Me: Fair enough. Mario: Let's-a go get some-a chilly dogs. Me: Yes. Let us do exactly that, old friend.
That's cuz politicians don't work for the poor, they work for the rich. And poverty is the threat the rich hold over the rest of us to keep us from lopping their resource-hoarding heads off.
every time a community tests ubi or free housing for the homeless the result is always "holy fuck this works incredibly well and costs less than existing solutions!" and then every politician alive does this
I need to keep my driver's license, folks, but it's about to expire, and I have NO flipping money to pay the renewal fees. They say you can prorate it, but that's apparently just a theory, an MVA theory! So I need to raise 48 bucks somehow, fast. Advice welcome too.
Hi folks. I don't love doing this, but I've a few emergency expenses hitting me (which, if unaddressed, will destroy my ability to make work), and zero cash. So I'm running a "reverse sale" fundraiser on itch. Any help appreciated #mutualaid #indiegames #tabletoproleplaying
Birthmonth Reverse Sale / Survival A bundle by Aleks Samoylov, $149.80 for 14 games
If You Like Something, Tell A Friend!
I've just discovered the word "scrimshanker" and that is how I will identify henceforth. If anyone asks me what I "do," I will say, "I, my fellow sapient, am a scrimshanker." Unless that word has baggage I'm unaware of, in which case don't cancel me, I didn't know. I'm too lazy for more research.
Predictive text models do not ever "answer your question" They predict what an answer to your question would probably look like. Which is very, very, very different
I don’t think it can be emphasized enough that large language models were never intended to do math or know facts; literally all they do is attempt to sound like the text they’re given, which may or may not include math or facts. They don’t do logic or fact checking — they’re just not built for that
My dream of becoming a first person, grid based dungeon crawler mogul is within reach ... Sigh ... if only I was even remotely interested in ANY type of art, or genre of thing-to-make, that wasn't painfully niche... Even my Tarot deck has already been reviewed several times as "not for everyone."
Now that some time has passed, I feel like Godot's UI features are just SO much better and more intuitive than Unity's, straight out of the box. Or maybe that's just me? I guess it's not a HUGE deal that it just gives you functional built in options for most common use-cases, but it sure saves time
As a "spiritual nihilist" (which is to say someone who believes that non-physical reality is probably a thing, but also believes it doesn't have an inherent purpose or meaning, and doesn't care about us), I don't think "spiritual awakenings" are a thing. Sounds like a tick tock trend to sell stuff