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I am artist amongst other things

‘Nice girl, bit weird’

Living on Stolen Land
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
I visited a family member in a nursing home and they had pictures on the wall of WWII stuff and black and white movie stars. Like they were meant to provide familiarity to residents that have all died by now. Update your stuff to the 50s and early 60s, people. That's who's living there now.
Because sure society says ‘oh naughty naughty bad man’ but the dialogue is Why didn’t you leave Was it that bad Well he didn’t hit her Some woman just go on and on and i can see why the man breaks (my father) I didn’t really like her much Well you make your bed Why didn’t she tell anyone
The weight of the shame because you found yourself having a relationship and then trying to leave an abusive man is Phenomenal Like SERIOUSLY PHENOMENAL it never goes away
The weight of the shame because you found yourself having a relationship and then trying to leave an abusive man is Phenomenal Like SERIOUSLY PHENOMENAL it never goes away
Abuse is about control This society tells men they are allowed control, life should go there way And this society diminishes corners belittles scorns and bastardises not only the right of every woman to have agency but her means of communicating that want She is expected to get what she is givin
Its not enough to know the script Its having that knowledge and will to change it
Big thing happened yesterday Huge impossible thing And i did it Excuse me while I process a very traumatic victory
Half the time when people say something is hard they really mean something takes effort
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
He never ever underestimates me Never clips my wings
He never ever underestimates me Never clips my wings
Nothing about the mental health system heals
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
If you ask me in a month how to make pretzels I will have forgotten 99% of it, but by chance I just watched an episode of Bake-Off where the technical challenge was pretzels and I felt so fkn smug about how much I knew compared to the contestants
Hell yeah baby
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Posters in Melbourne mocking Australia's richest woman, mining magnate Gina Rinehart. The posters feature a painting of Rinehart by indigenous artist Vincent Namatjira. Rinehart recently tried to pressure the National Gallery of Australia to remove the painting from display
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Alternate timeline where intelligent Galapagos tortoises sail to a human island & eat people
I find that when dealing with a sensitive situation that needs caution and care it is not my lived experience of mental illness, domestic abuse or motherhood that steers me best Its my many years serving beer from behind the bar
My Boots were big enough today
I no longer think in terms of Will life get easier? I think are my boots big enough to kick it up the ass
Oh my god its been a DAY!! And Fuck Me the DAYS keep coming! Like Day after Day Just days and days and days
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Love my subconscious so much Funny liddle weirdo
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
My goal for today is to have the self confidence of a 10 yr old w/ $5 in their pocket at a scholastic book fair
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Oh Gosh water is sooo good It makes me as horny as you do
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Myoclonic jerked chicken
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret. I know you ignored the Holocaust but can we talk about my period?
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
Have you tried having a baby about it?
Looking at pictures of Orville Peck to cheer myself up
I keep thinking about how women and children are supposed to be ‘the first on the lifeboat’…. Why? Whats the point? It smacks of right wing lifers who want to ‘protect’ the foetus but care nothing about the lives lived
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
You think it's hot out? Ha. Go to the nearest Assisted Living Facility and walk into any old person's room. I double dog dare you.
Going to make my brood watch Dumpling with me Its got Dolly and Drag Queens! WE LOVE DOLLY AND DRAG QUEENS!!!!!!
Little Baby got into Tina’s Proud Mary but went cold for Fleetwoods Rhiana and Carols moving earth but I tell ya people should have seen her go nuts for Abba’s gimme gimme gimme
Oh Gosh water is sooo good It makes me as horny as you do
We show our love with Tea and Playlists
Reposted byAvatar 🍉Amelia🍉
I don’t know who needs to hear this