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Love how 90s style is back and all that means is people now wear the ugliest sunglasses you’ve ever see
I'm dubious Biden is actually weaker (except, you know, physically). As you're well aware, basically no one on Earth has the decades long track record of right wing abuse and craziness directed at them as Hilary Clinton - and related weird hatred from the general public.
Biden needs to walk over and rip off trumps wig. That would save this
It’s deskilling. It’s similar to automating manufacturing processes but people are understandably wary of that analogy.
No one is using any of the commuter rail lines to get around the city, just into it. The transfer to the subway is $3. I’m sorry but have you commuted? Lived in New York? if you’re using a car to save on subway transfer costs you’re already choosing the more expensive, less convenient option
They both go to the same place? Penn station. Like dude, they share tracks
I don’t think the fare point is true. NJT is about even with LIRR, etc, path is less than the subway, the hblr is <$2. there’s not actually that many big gaps. Bergen country trains xfer at Secaucus, the light rail connects much of the hudson coast to the path.
Off peak frequency is imperfect but then the subway also only runs every 20-30 mins late night. . Congestion proceeds would likely help close remaining gaps
Still not sure what you mean specifically. Are you talking about a direct train for Bergen county? Better coverage for towns on the Hudson? Path expansion/ better integration with the subway? NJ transit isn’t perfect but pretty much everywhere has a public option (ferries and busses when not trains)
I remain unclear on how topography is an issue here, the transit infrastructure is pretty built out. On multiple jurisdictions, NJ at least gets a cut and as someone who commutes from JC through the tunnel on public transit, this will absolutely benefit me. And as noted, there’s low income relief
jurisdiction concerns seem especially odd when NYC has comfortably supported 3 separate commuter rail systems for something like a century. If anything the pullback negatively impacts local communities by encouraging things like the planned turnpike expansion
If the hypocrisy argument worked we'd be in a different place as a society
I think you may want to try rewriting your tweet so that the subjects and objects of your sentences correspond
Are you familiar with the geography and transit options of New York and the tri-state area?
New York, a city with no rivers or islands, famously.
My three-year-old has watched Luca - a movie released with minimal fanfare that we found somewhat randomly on Disney+ - dozens of times. People connect to stories about people.
Rare occasion of the show being better than the (good) book
I can't tell if you're intentionally misunderstanding me but yes, we agree. I would vastly rather have better public services. I do not think the exchange I mentioned is a good thing.
Yes. But the larger point is that the price of many things in the US is lower than the rest of the world (e.g. gasoline). This is the neoliberal exchange: cheaper goods but less overall security. So inflation feels worse.
The trade in the US is that houses etc are expensive but consumer goods are cheap. So people freak out when consumer goods get more expensive. Also come on, things are a bummer.
The worst thing they ever did over and over again
Was just thinking of that show as the comedy equivalent of GoT - big fandom for years that completely disappeared right after the finale
I suppose there's a counterargument that the media situation also hasn't changed too much over the past ~decade either, esp. when it comes to right wing channels. Some things are more extreme but I don't think that explains it. Thinking about it, feels like COVID/ post-COVID hard return to normal
Seems we may be reaching the logical endpoint of cheap consumer goods (thanks to a combo of outsourcing and, when it comes to services, ZIRP) covering for stagnant wages and rising housing and education costs. If you can't afford to feel safe it doesn't matter how cheap everything else is.
Relatedly, if a person is relying on a raise to be able to afford a large ticket item, they're going to react poorly to a chunk of that raise being eaten up by inflation, even if their financial situation is better. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the stakes for people.
Reached a point in my life where I only drink at children’s birthday parties and work events
Can't remember who wrote it but there was a great review of TCW's 2nd book that ended with Sartre's quote 'Every writer of bourgeois origin has known the temptation of irresponsibility.' What's galling about all these sorts of stories is that they encourage readers to be uncurious about the world.
And you know if your bike gets stolen, assuming the police will engage with you about it at all beyond a bunch of comments about "this kind of neighborhood" they'd tell you to go buy a big chain lock for next time.
Of course the book is frequently brilliant too in its depiction of real moral seriousness in the face of an open, contested political moment