
I have to explain to every house spider that you didn't know putting them outside would kill them. That you thought you were helping
Idk why people put them outside. they're eating bugs inside your house, do you want bugs????
Similar to spiders, I know what it's like when people respond with knee jerk fear before they know me. It's understandable but unfortunate
What about the ones I light on fire?* *I only do this when there are way too many fuckin' spiders
Well, they are understandably upset. Or what passes for upset feelings for spiders In either case, it isn't too much ado. All spider lives are brutal and short. Even when asked, they prefer it that way I've heard this expression applied to many things, but spiders are truly metal And butterflies
Oh, butterflies are hardcore and fearless May we be ever so bold
Others have always chosen the associations they have with me, but I would have chosen, were it mine to choose, the butterfly as my sigil
🤔 Not a bad choice Maybe that's what I'll tattoo over my surgery scar (I broke my wrist)
I only do that with brown recluses, because they like to hide in laundry and their venom causes muscular necrosis. The alternative would be just to squish them, I feel pitting them outside gives them a fighting shot to find a new hidey hole.
as per my last tweets (skeets?) there is a large spider in my bedroom. I named her Joan Crawford and we're getting along quite nicely.
Peace reigns in your household. Good, that's always good
what about flies. i've been saving them by capturing them from the window and putting them outdoors.
I'm not clear on whether or not they understand that's what happened. For them it's a lot of strange commotion and movement I'd say it's a seventy thirty split in natures favor. They 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 like your food. But they really like everything, and are 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 outside Eighty twenty