
Tom Nichols is a piece of shit - very worthy of the dunk
deleted my dunk and blocked radio tom because that’s The Right Way to handle people like him but I’ll repost it as a screenshot because fuck that guy
also yes, those atomic bombs were genocidal
quick thread:
here's where my japan scholarship comes in dower's embracing defeat explicitly notes that us officials knew japan was ready to capitulate. as an island, japan needed colonies for raw material for the war effort. by the time you fight japan back to the japanese islands they have no raw material
Yeah I replied to that and his thin skinned bitch ass blocked me immediately lmao
it definitely begs for the obvious reply
yes, Tom, that was genocidal so was manifest destiny
Hopefully he’ll get bullied off here
Thing is, he's right about intent from a legal perspective, he'll just stick his tongue out and put his fingers in his ears if you try to show him any of the mountain of evidence of intent, or the fact that the International Criminal Court and most other nations disagree.
wow, this dude is an actual moron LOL. so glad he's getting chased off this site.
lol I got him to block me soon after arrived very proud of that
I only encountered him today, but that one shit take was more than sufficient for him to be exiled to the Land of Wind & Ghosts.
That's the harder genocide to prove... which is why there's another one that looks at effect. And its not like war crimes can't/arent/weren't part of genocides