
every company that did “here’s the AI you don’t want. You’ll learn to love it” thing merits total and irredeemable destitution
My LinkedIn feed is dominated by posts about Google lying about its ranking systems and updates its_happening.gif
I do think it's kind of magical watching all of these companies implement features nobody wanted that only result in making everyone absolutely hate them.
I see that happening in my company! We discontinued services that were essential to our users but HEY! REJOICE! We have an ineffective AI chatbot on our website and AI on-air presenters! They don’t even care if the consumers are pissed off, it’s all about dazzling shareholders!
But we wouldn’t even exist without the viewers/website users! So at what point is losing them going to hurt the company more than what they gain in shareholders love? I had an upper manager tell me the loss in reputation is not a measurable metric so nobody cares about that!
The gap between Google and everyone implementing this AI garbage and the backlash was really confusing me. I was wondering how the market was allowing them to waste resources on unsuccessful garbage on a huge scale like that.
that's how we know they'll be back for another bite. they still have whatever polluting infra they rolled out for it
It’s so wild to see one of my favorite musicians retweet one of my best friends since college. Ian is a hell of a writer.
Sorry Ian, I’m gonna embarrass us both
Losing LinkedIn on the power of AI is like losing Gollum on the power of the ring.
Has any tech development described as 'inevitable' in the last 15 years - basically since the last big trio of smartphones, streaming, and social media in the late 00s - actually turned out to be that? It's almost like a euphemism at this point
THE YEAR 2005 [portal opens] 29-YEAR-OLD ME: Oh my God, you're an older me from the future! ME: Yep. 29-YO ME: Have you come to warn us of a looming disaster? Turn me away from a terrible fate? Or tell me what stocks to invest in? ME: No. 29-YO ME: Then what? ME: Just gotta Google something.
including, and I can't stress this enough, Nvidia and Apple both
so this is what the opt out setting's for
That said it is partially his fault for having a LinkedIn feed in the first place.
Maybe Ai has already taken over at these large corporations, maybe the humans are all acting like this is fear of murderous reprisals?