Anonymous policy person

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Anonymous policy person

Personal account. You may know me from fountain pen and history tweets at the other place.
I said on Slate Money this week that everyone is going to know who Curtis Yarvin is shortly because Thiel and Andreessen and Vance all buy into a lot of his theory and he’s no longer a fringe character among techno libertarians. Here’s a sampling of what he believes:
My guess is they think there’s a way to do this more consistent with decorum, while the people advocating for him to step aside think they’ve already tried that
The old world is dying but the new refuses to be born, etc
I like Patrick but this is a good illustration of what Silicon Valley types don’t get about politics. Right wing folks don’t like renewables because they’re culturally coded “left.” No logic to it; just culture war nonsense. But it matters!
By my count Trump used the expression "like nobody has ever seen" or something similar 15 times in his speech, or once every four minutes, sometimes in back-to-back paragraphs.
Read the Transcript of Donald J. Trump’s Convention He spoke for just over 90 minutes.
Curious to see the transcript but by my calculations Trump as said “like you’ve never seen” approximately 8 trillion times
When he ran in 2016 Trump said he’d reinstate a New Deal-era law to break up investment banks. Nobody in finance believed it at the time, and they were right — once in office Trump shoved the issue under the rug and passed a huge upper-class tax cut instead. Why would this time be different??
I agree with Josh. I strongly think Biden should go but I respect and value the perspectives of those who disagree. Reasonable folks can differ here.
These are tense times, friends, and I appreciate everyone who's keeping a cool head and a kind heart while chatting about politics. I think it's entirely reasonable to feel that Biden should go or that Biden should stay. We all have fears, but there are also limits to what we can predict.
Biden won Virginia by **10 points** in 2020
An increasingly ethnonationalist party led by a hate-peddling authoritarian calls for mass deportation... what could go wrong?
In other words, somebody’s getting played by Vance. Do you think it’s the everyday Americans or the well connected rich guy?
This, in a reply to a Mark Cuban tweet, is officially the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet. And folks I used to read creationist blogs for fun.
J.D. Vance's horrendous record of homophobia and transphobia
idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar
Broke: “Google ‘Project 2025’” Bespoke: “Google ‘Thiel Vance Mencius Moldbug’”
Huge congratulations to Marco Rubio for debasing himself for eight years for… nothing
how long before trump's team tries to use cannon's order to put a hold on the j6 case as well?
God forbid the United States ever hold any elite accountable for anything, ever
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
Burn the source — people deserve to know who it is and that person does not deserve to be in leadership anymore.
We tend to assume presidential assassination attempts must be partisan acts, but that (e.g., John Wilkes Booth) is actually the exception. More often the perpetrator’s motives are personal and don’t map onto partisan battle lines (Guiteau, Czolgosz, Hinkley, Oswald).
Ironically, this might be a fact that musical theater devotees (and especially Sondheim fans) know better than your average historian or political pundit.
Assassins (musical) -
History happens slowly; then all at once. What a frightening, awful event in a frightening, awful time.
Highly recommend Woodward & Bernstein’s “The Final Days,” on the unraveling of the Nixon White House. Bottom line: it is very hard to convince a sitting president to leave office, even when their back is to the wall. In Nixon’s case it took his family, at long last, urging him to go.
Unlike Nixon, President Biden is not a criminal. But he also does not want to leave office and has made that perfectly clear. If that is going to change, the pressure will have to be immense and come from those closest to him.
Tabling my deep sorrow for our nation and democracy to note the most gloriously mixed metaphor I’ve seen outside of a Futurama episode
Hey! Remember Republicans saying "Obamacare will make death panels to kill your grandma!"? Then you should probably go check out chapter 14 of the Project 2025 manifesto. Because every Conservative/Republican accusation is a confession.