Delia Remington

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Delia Remington

Award-winning Editor Eagle Heights Press. VampFest Silver Stake Winner. Blood Royal Saga Author. (She/Her)
Are you or a family member in the military? Trump's #Project2025 will cut the pay Do you count in SS and/or Medicare? Trump's #Project2025 will make deep cuts Do you have children in public (not private) school? Trump's #Project2025 will force them to be drafted Etc, etc, etc.
Cutting pay for the military, Cuts to Social Security and Medicare, eliminating Department of Education, mandatory draft sign up for public school graduates, eliminating the minimum wage, national abortion ban. No more FDIC to safeguard your money in the bank and tons of other regulation cuts.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Storm front has brought on a migraine. MonyMony has curled up napwise in my lap. This is my entire plan for the day, apparently.
THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS is a Le Guin Prize finalist! This is its seventh (!) award nomination. What is even happening &c. Also look at this incredibly stacked shortlist! I am so delighted to be among them.
The Saint of Bright Doors is a Le Guin Prize THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS is a Le Guin Prize finalist: its seventh award nomination!
Northern Nights, the all-Canadian anthology of dark and strange fiction, is now up for pre-order. (Oct.1.) Behold the amazing ToC. It'd be a "prime" day to pre-order from your fave indie. Thank you!
This’ll never make me a regular on msnbc, but people should be ashamed to admit they support Trump. He is a hideously bad person proposing to enact a vast expansion of cruelty and human suffering. The erosion and collapse of social sanctions for supporting someone so indecent is a big problem.
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
This!! I’ve donated copies of my books to public libraries in multiple states just to ensure people who can’t afford to buy a copy can still read it.
Tuning out the news this week and staying off social media to calm my anxiety. Instead of worrying, I’m clearing this house, calling an auctioneer for the furnishings, calling to donate a boat to NPR, getting an appraisal for high-priced items (🤞🏼), and taking unused clothing to Goodwill.
MonyMony wants to spend the day napping on my lap. She might be onto something.
I feel like I kind of keep telling people stay cool & calm & just be smart about surviving & that's an unpopular perspective but it seems so smart to me. So that's how Imma keep it pushing.
Very rarely is this Alex Norris strip far from my thoughts.
from now until Election Day, we connect every story back to Project 2025 Eg: The FBI is currently investigating the Trump shooter. But did you know that Project 2025 will place the FBI under Trump’s direct control, so he can decide which acts of political violence get investigated, and which don’t?
Early to rise means an early bedtime at the end of the day. Tomorrow, I’ve got no alarm set and no agenda other than some vague chores that might just wait until Monday because I’ve had enough of today. Stay safe, y’all
can we please go one week without a decade happening
Truth. Are all your books on shelves?
Figuring out logistics of moving to Europe and still retain a few precious things from our old life testing my Tetris skills to the max. “How many precious things can I cram into suitcases without going over the weight limit?”
If Democrats hold the presidency in November, it won’t be because of the media or the party. It will be because of the people.
‘To Be Alive’ by Gregory Orr From Concerning the Book That Is the Body Of the Beloved (Copper Canyon Press, 2005).
anyway here’s a baby raccoon sleeping in a hammock
Avatar How are you feeling? Have you finally gotten over the creeping crud?
It's not every day that senators ask the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to criminally investigate a sitting Supreme Court justice. What's more, the case against Clarence Thomas is quite credible.
Dems seek special counsel to investigate Justice Clarence It's not every day that senators ask the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to investigate a Supreme Court justice.
Sorting through stuff to donate today. Clothes, winter gear, board games, etc. In amongst ordinary things are a few expensive items with a lot of life left in them. Someone will be happy to get a nice leather jacket or a few formal designer dresses we no longer need.
dear yt people leave Black people alone re: the election. 98% of Black women voters vote Dem and in spite of recent poles that number is 90% for Black men. we aren't your problem it's your OWN demographic there's plenty of their posts and your own family to harangue.
Tonight, Mom and I told my sister and brother-in-law we plan to move to Northern Spain. Permanently. After a long conversation, they understand why. Finances, politics, climate are all factors. This move is a huge change. We’ve lived in this area since 1977. Selling 99% of all we own is daunting. ->