
This really seems like the crux of it: People understand that the system is unfair, but they saw what it looked like when Trump fought tooth and nail to help out rich bigots and they don’t see that kind of ferocity in the other direction from Biden. And they need it.
This is EXACTLY my biggest problem with Biden. I acknowledge that he’s done some good things. But he isn’t pushing on issues he should be pushing on. He doesn’t seem to be fighting for the people. He seems to be going hard for Israel and for moderates he thinks he can win. Not enough.
Selling out the country for a few pennies. Short-sighted Americans who simply refuse to see big picture. Yes, Biden has to have clarion call announcing all his achievements. Americans are being inundated w/false garbage, and are too uneducated or lazy to determine the truth abt a wannabe dictator.
Trump also just showed us all that you can just do shit like cut checks to supporters and the courts can't do shit to stop you as long as you do it agressively enough and have loyalists in the necessary agencies. What's the supreme court gonna do? Send their army to steal everyone's ATM cards?
What do you mean "they need it"? I'm more sympathetic to Biden-reluctant voters than some here but that doesn't mean I buy into their reasoning
Biden's campaign needs to make the Trump judges who keep blocking his administration's programs infamous. He needs to openly run against the Trump-captured courts. Republicans have run on capturing the judiciary since I was a child, but Democratic campaigns have typically ignored it.
The exact reason I'm so sympathetic to Biden-reluctant voters is I think the Dem leadership, rank and file (and that includes us nobodies on social media) and media have done such a poor job explaining the election and countering conservative propaganda.
Trump making sure his name was on the checks in bold was more politically savvy than anything Dems have done in over a generation. And they know how to do it, they're just "better than that," and that's the tragedy we're living in.
They need to get past their white based inner security and consider what the Felon has planned for everyone else. It's all spelled out in The heritage Foundation's, "Project 2025".