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beware when bayonets begin to think
When the France election results are good
For people of a certain age, Every Time We Touch by Cascada automatically transports them to a spring break in the mid-Oughts, and the feeling of being just the right level of happy drunk on the dance floor of Senor Frogs in Nassau *It's me, I'm people of a certain age
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Taco Bell employees are better equipped to deal with mentally ill people than the average public safety officer
TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
Lemme give you another product/service that I HIGHLY recommend: GoodRx. We don't have pet insurance and our vet prescribed our dog human anticonvulsants for seizures. A 90 day prescription for generic Keppra costs $390-480 (varies by pharmacy) by GoodRx brought it down to $32. Incredible.
I saw a dude standing on the corner by the grocery store in my suburban Maryland town holding a cardboard sign that reads "FUCK QUALIFIED IMMUNITY" and I think that's the most American thing I've seen today
is it just me or is House of the Dragon really not good
We him to chop it up with Cam'ron and Ma$e in full Diamond Joe Biden mode on the "It is What it Is" pod
i'm fully pilled on this. joe biden should go on the breakfast club before he gives an interview to the new york times
many are saying this! and frankly I think it is time that I started doing more to support beautiful busty 5'2" women during these trying times.
no one ever talks about the people who have the hardest lives of all (beautiful busty 5’2” women)
I have been getting my ass beaten every goddamn day this week, lordy.
my dog had another seizure, so I'm sitting here at the kitchen table at 3am, just sort of keeping her company until she falls asleep
how to put this delicately: so many of these guys think that having a gun and some cordura pouches imbues one with the knowledge of how to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver to destroy, capture, or repel an assault by fire, close combat, and counterattack
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
This might be more impactful on the election than anything Biden said tonight
Tough to say who is worse for America, the Supreme Court or this fucking ref (I am watching USA vs. Uruguay in an attempt to exploit the anesthetizing power of sports, it's not working)
it's a great day to block people with hammer and sickle emojis in their usernames
you know where those interesting conversations won't be happening? Fort Leavenworth (CGSOC), Carlisle Barracks (AWC), or Fort McNair (NDU). Why? Because field grades, especially senior field grades, are - as a group - entirely too chickenshit to confront uncomfortable political realities
I bet there will be some interesting classroom discussions at West Point next fall regarding civil-military relations and military law.
quick: what do you do when you're given an illegal, unethical, or immoral order?
people are gonna need to get up to speed on the Stafford Act and the Insurrection Act real quick 🤷‍♂️
people are gonna need to get up to speed on the Stafford Act and the Insurrection Act real quick 🤷‍♂️
I was born to be an independently wealthy gentleman of leisure, but in all likelihood I'll have to work until I die. It's just not fair, I tell you.
I had a colleague who was hired within a couple of years of the founding of my college (1963) who finally retired (under pressure) at the beginning of the fall 2023 term. He’d been falling asleep in the middle of his own lectures for years & I have zero comprehension why he wouldn’t WANT to retire?
If you saw a large bearded man with his windows down fully scream-singing along to Cryin' by Aerosmith at top volume much to the horrified embarrassment of the 9yo in the back seat in the Columbia, Maryland Costco parking lot about 30 minutes ago... Say hi next time
Apparently powdered tungsten can spontaneously combust when exposed to oxygen. The barrels of crushed tungsten formerly in this truck are now on the beltway. Is crushed tungsten the same as powdered tungsten?
Tractor-trailer catches fire, more than a dozen barrels of metal spill onto I-495 - WTOP A tractor-trailer caught on fire on the Interstate 495 Outer Loop in Montgomery County, Maryland, on Sunday morning, causing major traffic delays.
Bridgerton could never
Definitely had the best outfit at the Parisian salon last night, bon mots were on point, my demeanor was pleasant and gay. Gave 14 handjobs before the canapés were even served, but it’s like I keep telling Abelina; courtship is a Zero. Sum. Game.
home sweet home, bb 🐢🦀
is somebody gonna match my freak (finishing the day's connections, wordle, and strands in the 10 minutes before midnight)