
We're not sending our best to media leadership positions. Holy shit. Medium CEO on Threads says to that the journalists the company hired, then laid off, SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!
Having run a business for 10 years, you need staff who "are not economically viable" to keep the economically viable part of the business running
This happens with security. "they cost money and don't do anything. Nothing bad happens here. Waste of money." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Same with Trust & Safety. They don't like the overhead, but turn your platform into a Nazi bar and people run away
Suddenly I'm reminded of why The Art of War is actually The Art of Supply Lines and Yes You Need To Have Infrastructure To Support Your Troops I Promise.
The Art Of Being The First Guy To Actually Write This Shit Down Because People Still Don't Get It.
The Art Of Pack Mules Are Much Less Sexy Than Cavalry Archers And Yet
The Art Of Fuck I Can’t Believe I Have To Explain This To Another Goddamn Imperial Nepobaby But Maybe If I Use Small Words We Won’t All Die
Pay your soldiers and make sure they have enough food should be obvious and yet here we are.
“Why can’t the soldiers just, like, forage?” [deep breath, removes glasses, rubs eyes, replaces glasses] “Your sublime majesty, glasses haven’t even been invented, and yet I…”
“Do you know what foraging is called when an army does it? It’s called pillaging. Surely your Gloriousness realizes why we don’t want that while the army is inside our own borders? Surely?”
More importantly, an army that’s foraging is an army that isn’t doing anything else, even moving. Foraging is fine if the only thing the army is meant to do is destroy the place where it is. “7th Legion, go across the Rhine, forage for a while, come back” is a logical (if brutal) order.
(yes, reading on the Tyranny of the Wagon was mind-blowing for me)
Just remembering my history teacher showing us Minard's infographic of Napoleon deciding his troops could just raid Russian farms...
"Don't start a land war in Asia" might not have been 100% obvious before Napoleon did it, but Hitler's attempt to conquer Russia AFTER Napoleon's failure is another demonstration of Nazi incompetence.
And then you have Putin, who knows both these examples, who knows exactly what the hell Slavic winters are like, decides to go and invade Ukraine anyways...
So very much this So much What Was He Thinking!
[much hemming and hawing]
The Art of Cops Solve ~ 30% of All Crimes Reported But We Still Pay Them Out The Ass Because The Illusion of Safety is Important and Once in a Blue Moon they do Something but this Analogy Will Never Translate to my Business because Brain Smooth like Silk