Brian Merchant

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Brian Merchant

author of Blood in the Machine, tech writer, luddite

Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
I was up late last night reading Blood in the Machine by which is making me think about the #SLA2024 keynote about AI in that frame. Balancing curiosity with skepticism is hard, but it seems worthwhile to think about the history of technology innovation and exploitation.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
So I’m reading’s Blood in the Machine and lemme tell ya - as a fibre artist and former senior programmer, it hits DEEP. *insert deranged rant saying how much you need to read it too etc*
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Once you start cornering them on this stuff, it quickly becomes apparent that, far from 'democratizing' anything, the real goal is proving that creativity - like consciousness or emotions or materialism or anything else - is a fake concept that can easily be done by machines
We've all probably heard Silicon Valley's favorite AI buzzphrase du jour by now; OpenAI CTO Mira Murati used it when she caught flack for saying AI will kill jobs, etc. But to be clear: AI is not "democratizing creativity"—it's doing the exact opposite.
AI is not "democratizing creativity." It's doing the Why Silicon Valley's favorite AI buzz phrase is so misleading and insulting
We've all probably heard Silicon Valley's favorite AI buzzphrase du jour by now; OpenAI CTO Mira Murati used it when she caught flack for saying AI will kill jobs, etc. But to be clear: AI is not "democratizing creativity"—it's doing the exact opposite.
AI is not "democratizing creativity." It's doing the Why Silicon Valley's favorite AI buzz phrase is so misleading and insulting
Help me out here — I *think* it was going around on Bluesky but maybe it was one of the Other sites; the guy who posted how he'd made millions of images with LLMs but didn't know what to do with any of them? reddit maybe? anyone remember this?
has there been a joke along the lines of 'looks like we might see a Bernie presidency after all—a WEEKEND at Bernie's presidency' yet because in the right hands that might have some juice
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
"Expand the court" has gone from radical solution to the most exceptionally moderate option on the table.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
trying to convince Comcast's stupid AI chatbot to reveal to me their support phone number and I just have's Blood in the Machine chanting in the back of my head
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
If you care about the way AI is steamrolling environmental concerns you might be interested in this (free, online) conference happening in July—program just posted, and link to register:
Rethinking the Inevitability of
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Luddites get an unfair bad rep! has a ton of interesting writing on the Luddites and what we can learn from them
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
we are, oh I'd say, three months out from this thing generating never-before-seen photos of a deceased love one and triggering a psychotic break
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
I worked at a call center for three weeks during college because they love recruiting desperate college students. I got let go for removing deceased people from the call list because to them as long someone answers there’s someone to collect data from.
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Facebook Memories but weaponised into a coercive productivity tool
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
We had a guy who was clearly constantly about to snap, we were divided on whether we expected him to shoot up the place or just like, smash his phone. Ultimately when he finally snapped he just set his headset down mid call, walked outside and we simply never saw him again, good for him
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
i can’t believe AI is plagiarizing plots from the Simpsons
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Picture perfect illustration of how this thing is being sold to us by tech billionaires and CEOs as something to liberate us from work, but in actuality what they want it for is to grind human workers down to paste with automation, surveillance, de-skilling, and exploitation.
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
this is good
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
We're not sending our best to media leadership positions. Holy shit. Medium CEO on Threads says to that the journalists the company hired, then laid off, SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
I used to buy cameras from , but they replaced almost all staff with AI. I sent them a lens for sale, & their site told me they’d get back to me by “April 1969”. I kept sending emails, got no response, called finally got a human. Told them: Never buying there again.
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Love that, keep it coming.
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
You've heard of organically made Now here's made by organics
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
I have software engineering work experience so still get recruiter messages regularly. The email I got literally this morning has a little aside at the bottom: "PS: This was NOT written by ChatGPT!" So, yes, even the tech recruiters can see that not using AI is a selling point!
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Let's just hope it's not as hollow as their climate pledges 😬
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.
It's a lot of both! I do think a number of companies see a real material opportunity to make genuine AI-free products and market them as such, and expect their users to hold them to that (Cara app, AnswerConnect, 404 Media). With Dove or Discover, obvs, I'd be less inclined to expect such dedication
I wonder how many of them actually mean it, and how many think of it as just another piece of bullshit to add to their marketing and labeling.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Merchant
Think about the lightning-speed shift here -- two months ago you didn't see anything like this.
The anxiety around AI and the backlash to AI-generated products is strong enough that even corporations like Dove and Discover are declaring their human-first bonafides and creators and startups are making "No AI" pledges A '100% LLM-free' consumer trend is here
Excuse Me, Is There AI in That? Businesses and creators see a new opportunity to brand their work as 100 percent human-made.