Toby Berry

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Toby Berry

Liberty and justice for all. Be the bootstraps for others. I am all about: politics, dogs, nature, 🧬 biology, dogs, birds, gardening, dogs, Israel, dogs… you get the idea….i love sarcasm - all opinions are someone else’s bec I don’t have original thoughts
Yikes. I don’t want Trump and go orders in my future EVER. This take freaks me out.
IKR? That is me. Even w/ my dawning that 1/3 of all ppl are assholes-I just can’t see it
Cool cool! That is what the edit function is for!
Harris for POTUS? I beat to the blue drum. We don’t know what is really going on. I am not jumping ship or changing captains. I will vote Blue no matter who
Maybe not. Maybe some are tuning in bec of the chatter and getting interested? They might be anti Trump but suddenly see they gotta vote no matter what Biden’s state, bec democracy really is at stake. Tons of ppl don’t tune in unless something “big” happens. Could be favorable or unfavorable
That is the thinking person’s question. I trust him. He is not at liberty to say but he is saying something.
For those of you that don’t have GSDs, vacuuming is an indoor frisbee opportunity
In fact, everything is a frisbee opportunity
True. Anarchy as ppl are rounded up willy nilly and before the authoritarian machine is functional. Trump and his goons currently aren’t smart enough to be organized in follow through. They just got the sales job part down
I don’t think so. Schiff had a comfortable lead in senate race, no matter how much $ the GOP or oligarchs throw at that race. He has been a solid dude. He didn’t blow this up for attention getting, imo
He may know medical issue that isn’t his to share. I, for one, am paying close attention to him, what he is saying and what he isn’t saying. Still voting all blue though
Polls only accurate when others jump on the bandwagon. We are so beyond wagons- Rev the engines and vote vote vote
We need to stop focusing on flawed polls and instead engage voters. This is about support for the democratic agenda - DEMOCRACY. If we turn out in massive numbers (70%+), we save democracy. Period. We need to stop self-sabotaging. Fascist GOP is counting on that. Let's prove them wrong AGAIN.
Tech challenged with no millennial back up? My kids get my tech SOS texts and they never fail me. They fix, they are patient and don’t roll their eyes (in my presence).
Trump won’t follow any laws. He’ll have ppl rounded up and deported - anarchy - no laws - no rules for Dumpty
1250 ppl polled 🙄. You gotta know this is trash. Trump also majority want him to drop out of the race, according to this poll. And, the young want to keep Biden more than the elderly do? Simply BS numbers imo
Polls are rarely accurate nowadays. Schiff knows that. He has other reasons and I don’t think they are selfish reasons. I am all ears, Schiff. Spill it!
No matter what happens with Biden, I am voting straight blue ticket.
Doubtful. She has never been afraid to speak for herself. I really don’t know what to think, Glenn. The big names drive the polls, not just reading them. I think he is privy to more info than we have and it worries me much. Ears perked
Not “could.” It would and it is intended that way. Make the rich wealthier and the poor poorer- that is their plan
This also is what I think. Pelosi too, but more subtly. They seem to know something we don’t. I am worried-
I don’t believe he is turning on Biden bec of $ or Kamala. Maybe I am wrong. 🤷‍♀️
It is true. Discussion invokes change. I have been so curious about this worldwide. What stopped foot binding? What made the gay marriage debate shift to legality? Conversation did. When one side can’t articulate a solid argument, things change.
I am so perplexed. Adam Schiff is a good guy. What does he know that we don’t know? He didn’t go out on a limb here for attention. I am worried
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Hot flashes suck. Some of us have them for the rest of our lives. Baking pizza isn’t a perk