Tommy Löfstedt

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Tommy Löfstedt

Docent, associate professor. Machine learning & computer vision. Umeå University, Sweden.
An apt meme making rounds
I think this is how it works with the current “AI” enshittification of everything. If it turns out many enough people don’t want it, it might be possible to turn it off. But since it costs billions to develop, and since everyone will have such functions, perhaps the loss of demand makes it obsolete.
Like, it used to be the case that when a mega-corp did something you really didn't like, well, cool, good news, there's alternatives. And folks can and did switch! All the time! But now a lot of tech is megacorps who aren't afraid if you leave, because, for the most part, you can't. They're too big
It is a really bad idea to use a chat bot to look up “facts”. I tell my students this in my Deep Learning class, but I’m not sure they really hear me.. The future will be weird.
Well this is grim
Just gonna once again share this feed that automatically surfaces every Gift Link or Gift Article on Bluesky across many news outlets. This is basically how I get my news now: slow, generally very good, with a recommendation.
Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
@NBCNews: Social media has been buzzing with examples of Google’s new, “experimental” AI tool going awry. A Google spokesperson said the company believes users are deliberately attempting to trip up the technology with uncommon questions.
Is Duck duck go not working for everyone, or is it just for me?
then later that day, you'll be asked to review 1 of these papers that was started 3 months ago & is now under review in a clinical journal. you'll spend 4 hrs writing up 5 fundamental flaws that make the paper unsalvageable. the journal will publish it as is anyway because it has AI/ML in the title.
Solen är för det mesta en lugn och beskedlig stjärna. Men ibland, som inatt, visar den mer temperament. I värsta fall kan den slå ut tekniska system som vi är beroende av. I en tidigare artikel förklarar F&F:s Anna Davour
När solens utbrott hotar jorden | Forskning & Det här är en artikel från 2020. Solstormar är fenomen som börjar på solens yta, men har effekter långt utanför solen. I värsta fall kan …
Jag behöver nog kommentera detta: Jösses. Men kom inte och säg att vi inte varnade er.
Hjälp Aron i hans forskningsprojekt datorprogrammeringens historia. Känner du någon som arbetat som stanserska? Vederbörande får gärna prata med Aron.
The skies just got a little more blue... you can now post GIFs! We're starting with a set list of GIFs from Tenor. You can turn off auto-play in your settings. Custom uploaded GIFs and video coming soon! 🔜 Share Bluesky with a friend: 💙
I’m fed up with people pointing out all the mistakes in my poetry so I’ve written them this poem; it’s called ‘Pedant’s’.
NEW PAPER out today in the BMJ TRIPOD+AI: reporting recommendations for studies developing or validating prediction models for use in healthcare that use #machinelearning methods #ArtificialIntelligence #AIstandards #OpenAccess
Oj, hade ingen aning om detta vansinne.. 😕
I don't think I've ever talked on Bluesky about why I hate the Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl. Don't read any further unless you're prepared for uncomfortable truths about the "Nicest Guy in Rock", and his very substantial body count & subsequent cover-up.
Google Scholar has indexed 188 articles containing the phrase, "as of my last knowledge update." Some of the 188 articles are about the use of ChatGPT. Many aren't. In any event, a year and a half after the tech was released, we can see it has insinuated itself into the scholarly ecosystem.
PSA to anyone in the school business. When a company comes and wants to sell you this kind of hype garbage. Just say no, thank you. It will be better for everyone, including your bottom line, in the end.
Another Elsevier paper with obvious AI-written text. “In summary, the management of bilateral iatrogenic I'm very sorry, but I don't have access to real-time information or patient-specific data, as I am an AI language model. “