Merit St. Media, Crusader for Truth

Merit St. Media, Crusader for Truth

A guy with a musical-comedy motor
Matter matters more than manner, and people who pretend to get upset over a truth delivered with conceivably-objectionable language are doing society a double disservice.
I'm more Montrose near the lake, still have not seen one in the wild
Haha what high-ranking Republican wife would ever do that
Agreed. Pence was awful, but he was a pro at least. If he wins, it's going to be Rufo/Miller/Bannon everywhere
No cat should ever be in pain, especially not a beautiful tabby girl like this
KRISTI NOEM: (Waits patiently at front door for badge)
All the makeup that the celebrity people wear
Does the spot end with him getting grazed by a projectile
Everyone was watching the Euro Final, they were just distracted, they probably pulled out a template for Norway or Singapore or some shit
You've got to be a Very Special Boy to get your ear grazed by a gun AND get your dick sucked by a Cannon.
Wasn't this the story Spotlight was on before the priest sex stuff happened?
Digging the EZ on--EZ off screw holes on the sign for when the name of the hospital changes again in two months
He'll save children/but not the British CHILdren
That picture is how he lost his legs. Does seeing it make him horny or naah?
Some alderperson getting their ear absolutely chewed off by a constituent about some neighborhood bar that disgorges loud drunk people all at once at, oh, let's say 4 AM
Condolences. I hope you had a goodbye at least.
They never need an excuse to raise prices on goods but they'll take one; they never need an excuse to hoard their money but, well
Pretty good economic policy on that leaky rowboat oh wait I forgot, he had a bad debate performance against a felonious rapist, wow, sink, sink, sink, down we, go debates, who kneeeeeeeeeeewwww GLUG
Come on. That doesn't really happen. Look at me. I'm right--