
Particularly relevant to the question of whether it would actually be legal and feasible to get a candidate you pulled out of a hat in the third week of August onto all 50 state ballots
Regarding that NYT piece by Kristof, I'd like to remind that he tried to run for Governor here in Oregon but couldn't qualify to be on the ballot, before anyone thinks they should listen to his political strategizing
I largely (strongly) agree with your broader points but this one isn't right: Whoever the Democratic Party nominates will be on the ballot in all 50 states, because the Democratic Party is already ballot-qualified everywhere.
the hard-to-get-on-the-ballot thing applies to 1) independent candidates and 2) nominees of non-major parties that haven't previously qualified for the ballot
Ohio already toyed with tentative efforts to kick Biden off the ballot because the convention is after the state deadline before backing off and agreeing to a workaround.
Certainly Republicans never hesitate to make up stupid bullshit and the Republicans on the Court often enjoy going along, but that article is a bunch of bullshit trolling w/r/t how the major parties nominate candidates. (A *post-convention* switch is a different kettle of fish.)
This is a completely reasonable & factual argument, & I dread it being tested by what passes for a judiciary these days
Positive that Michigan or Wisconsin couldn’t pull any tricks out of their sleeves?
Michigan has Democrats in control of both houses of the legislature, the governor, secretary of state, attorney general and the state supreme court. So no. Likely no tricks here.
Ah, you’re right and thank you. Ohio and Wisconsin is what I meant.
Wisconsin has a Democratic majority on the Supreme Court and a Democratic governor, but the gerrymandered legislature definitely won't do the Democrats any favors. Ohio will definitely do as little as possible to ease a transfer. A transfer would be the stupidest possible thing for Dems to do, btw.
If the fear of being ratfucked by republican run states causes this ridiculous replace Biden idea to die, I'll be very happy.
Even in the hilariously unlikely circumstances that the state parties agreed to pick someone else. Or the delegates decided "fuck it imma pick newsom", the question becomes are the voters more or less likely to vote for some asshole they didn't get even a vague say in choosing.
I'm sure our totally reasonable SCOTUS would never just make up some reason why the new Democratic client could not be on the ballot.
Even if it were feasible on paper, it’d still be contingent on surviving challenges in various state courts.
Not to mention, would the Biden/Harris campaign-finance apparatus transfer to an entirely new ticket?
Another of what's probably a pretty long list of questions you'd want to answer before you declared that this plan had to happen!