Tony da Franca 🇵🇹🇬🇧🇪🇺

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Tony da Franca 🇵🇹🇬🇧🇪🇺

Graphic designer, hobby photographer, former IT professional. Xitter refugee. INTP, Happily married (not looking)!
Founder member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Apostrophes.
I live in southern England, although my soul is elsewhere #FBPE
I am now, categorically, an ex, de-activated, X user: not a big fan of swamps.
"The pandemic is over" You know, it's really weird then that people are still getting COVID infections on a regular basis and are still dying from COVID infections and disabled people still can't go outside safely and that the World Health Organization says we're still in a pandemic and- (1/208)
This is a whole roller coaster of a story.
Today I learned that I sexed my rainforest mantises (Tyvar and Wrenn) correctly, but that my ghost mantis (Liliana) is actually a male. His name has been corrected to Josu. Being a mantis, he continues not to care.
Guten Morgen Ihr Lieben 🤗👋 Regen in Göttingen, aber Sonne im Herzen 🫶 Glückwunsch an Spanien 🥂 Habt einen fabulösen Tag ☕🥐🤍👋 Good morning my dears Rain in Göttingen, but sun in the heart 🫶 Congratulations to Spain 🥂 Have a fabulous day ☕🥐🤍🖖 #bekind #besupportive #enjoylife #diversityrocks
Only in Berkshire… Evel Knievel and horse-drawn hearses not allowed
Me and my son don't know nuthin' about no bank robbin', Sheriff.
Your country got to experience the greed, corruption, and incompetence of conservative governance for a bit and pushed back on it this year. If Trump wins here it will be much much worse.
That much I can see. Terrible times.
And he calls Joe sleepy? At his convention last night.
Still Life with Handtape, Melon and Geranium
The old lady next to me showed me her phone and was like “if we don’t take off soon, we might get hit by a tornado” and IMMEDIATELY went to sleep. Her leopard print sleeping mask matches her leopard print leggings. I’m impressed and jealous. Old people really don’t give a fuck.
I knew I should’ve stopped by the McDonald’s next to my gate before boarding. But no, there was no time. I didn’t want to miss my flight.
Ancient Egyptian amulet depicting a ram-headed falcon, made from gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and carnelian, 26th regnal year of Ramesses II the Great: 1254 bce Found in the tomb of an Apis bull in the Serapeum of Memphis, Saqqara — Guillaume Blanchard
BonjourBisous Une photo de nous deux ^^
A curious and very nosey White-tailed Doe was checking out a meowing Kitty!
It saddens me to see some who have made cogent thoughtful arguments about the problems of the body politic and the world in general reduce themselves to puerile tin foil hatted claptrap about what happened yesterday ( When you hear hooves,your first thought should be horses,not unicorns).
He's even more dangerous than his running mate because he's a true believer in the extreme authoritarian evil right wing plan that has been set out for a Mango Mussolini 2nd term and would likely have his hands on the reins of power long before that term ends. Be afraid, be very afraid !!!!
Vance emerges as Trump’s VP pick, with Rubio and Burgum Editor’s note: Shortly after this story was published, Donald Trump announced JD Vance would be his running mate. Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) has emerged as the front-runner to be Trump’s running …
Avatar Anett Numa @Anetttu #Estonia says goodbye to a remarkable Prime Minister who has strengthened our global presence, while the #EU gains an outstanding leader as High Representative. Thank you very much, @kajakallas
It is indeed wild that the pundit class simply cannot comprehend a person without an arc or story. He was born a selfish egotistical asshole, and he will remain one the rest of his life.
It is amazing to me that the most powerful and best-paid people in political media are still caught up in the idea of A Striking New Tone From Trump. I wrote this in 2020, but the idea goes back to 2017. At this point it says more about them than it does about him.
The Enduring Delusion of a Chastened From time to time, the president seems to grasp the gravity of his situation. It never lasts.
I’ve seen a lot of things recently where, mostly TV “personalities” are saying that there is a male epidemic coming. In which case I predict a crusty sock and failed washing machine epidemic.
Today has not been great for a number of reasons BUT our cat Toki is having a good one, seeming to bounce back a bit from his cognitive issues. He even peed in the litter box 😊