Eddie Reyes

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Eddie Reyes


I design D&D adventures and supplements in between shifts at "work."

Did BlueSky just crash for anyone else?
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
You get no points for being radicalized more quickly than the person next to you. Points are given only for solidarity and for helping one another fight.
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
I wonder if a lot of the people who moved here from twitter had private accounts? I know I did, and it's about the only explanation I've seen for this repeated trend of poasters being outraged that someone saw what they wrote on a public platform and replied to them. The temerity to reply!
Public statements on a public forum attract public reactions. If you want to turn that into some sort of weird attack, that’s your business.
I'm still amazed at how *angry* someone got at me for commenting about their video on TikTok. On their unlocked, wide-open, very public video
Public statements on a public forum attract public reactions. If you want to turn that into some sort of weird attack, that’s your business.
This has been my argument regarding any changes to SCOTUS. YES, it's been expanded in the past, but when Roosevelt tried to pack the Court to get New Deal legislation pushed through, guess what happened? SCOTUS told the new justices and Roosevelt to fuck off, and they made it stick.
I support SCOTUS term limits but have assumed such a reform would have to be through constitutional amendment. Can anyone point me to a serious argument for the constitutionality of term limits through legislation? And, is there any reason to think SCOTUS would uphold such legislation?
I barely know the BANDS I listen to, and you want me to identify MUSICIANS? I am attacked.
give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer 1. Kurt Cobain 2. Krist Novoselic 3. Chris Cornell
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
Holy goddamn I feel ALIVE in this fit
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
I once saw a guy wearing a ballcap backwards use a piece of cardboard to shade his eyes.
Am I the only one seeing two mouths?
"We appreciate your support"
Last month, I went to a Lords of Acid show. This month, I'm going to a Joan Osborne show. These are my musical tastes.
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
My brother in Christ, she wouldn't need to hawk tuah if you knew how to eat pussy.
I wouldn't be surprised if he hired the shooter.
Donald Trump has thousands of personal enemies and close ties to organized crime. His closest cronies are a disgraced general who worked in psyops and two dirty tricksters (for Nixon & Putin). He spent last week meeting with international criminals. Calling it "political violence" is speculation.
...me, oddly attentive: why isn't Tasmania highlighted?
"THeRe iS aBsOlUteLy nO pLaCe fOr pOLitIcAl vIoLeNce iN oUr dEmOcRaCy."
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
Rosy maple moths are the absolute cutest and it’s not even close
Which bitch hit TWO (2!) personal bests in the gym today? Why, this bitch did. 225# bench press 315# squat
Pigeon fanciers over here giving this post the stink eye.
Hummingbirds are just a degenerate form of pigeon
I disagree. Biden did this to himself. He got the White House out of Cheeto's clutches, but he didn't bother developing any obvious successors. Harris should have been out there cheerleading every victory the administration made, putting her face on it so that this year, voters would associate...
What do people not understand about how this works? The general population isn't nominating Trump, only the GOP. They can't really put anyone else in front of the voters, because they've spent the past decade pushing him. They made him a demagogue, and now they're stuck with him. 1/2
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
Hi #kidlitartpostcard! I'm Deven a cartoonist and illustrator who loves creating fun and relatable characters. I am looking for representation, as well as work in covers and middle grade anything. #SCBWI member #kidlitart Thanks for looking!! 🌐dhoover.art 📨 [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
Stars and planets, THIS. This FOREVER. And also the missing art of folks who were passed over and shut out because such men didn't want to fuck them in the first place and therefore just utterly ignored them
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
@hyvemynd.bsky.social Is there such a thing as "The Loud Corporate American" in Japanese business? It sounds reasonable and ridiculous at the same time.
People with chronic pain get treated as addicts because they take the drugs that treat their pain, giving them relief. While they're experiencing that relief, they might do things like CATCH UP ON UNDISTURBED SLEEP which can be mistaken for "being high."
A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
I got fired in September, and you're only celebrating now? 😅
Is there a word for "when you miss someone you've never met?" When it's about @ivyvine009.bsky.social, I'm pretty sure that word is some variation of "schadenfreude." 😉
Should I pay off the last $1,000 of my car loan early?
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Reyes
Hi #portfolioday! I'm Deven an SF Bay Area based cartoonist, illustrator, and cancer survivor. Currently working on some GN projects, but would love to get into MG illustration and cover work. I love designing characters. Seeking representation! 🖖 dhoover.art for more!
"Star Wars 2: Lightsaber Boogaloo"
the empire strikes back should've been called star wars 2
My chest aches only the teeniest, tiniest bit after 5x2 reps at 97% my max yesterday, wtf?
Fried my CNS on bench press and rack pulls today. My shoulder blades twitched at the thought of pulling 275 lbs, so I'm done.