
How is this real
If you do transphobic shit in the comments or QT to this post you will be insta-blocked.
please also report any transphobia to bsky mods & aegis. reminder for anyone who needs to hear this: Caitlyn Jenner’s gender is not conditional & cannot be revoked. she is a self-loathing queer woman, a living warning about how assimilationism & respectability politics inevitably leads to fascism.
oh this post was from yesterday. whatever. point stands.
No it's still valid, people still do this
This is what I am talking about. Don't do this.
Fuck you caitlyn jenner sucks, okay? But SHE sucks You wanna get in a fistfight about this topic I'll pay to fly you out to me
Okay, fair. It was intended as an ironic comment on how she got the care and understanding she seeks to deny others. Obviously missed the mark. My apologies. cc
If you want to point out her hypocrisy? Just do that. Caitlyn Jenner's gender is whatever she says it is, AND she's a fucking piece-of-shit human being. Her gender isn't a weapon to be used against her. That's how transphobes fight.
You're right. I'll own the fuck-up.
Appreciate the mia culpa, but just gonna add that if we don't tolerate the denial of others, we can't deny anyone first and harder, or we leave daylight for their petulant excuses.
From the Olympics, to her family to TV, bringing out shitheads has always been her only talent. Ps- fuck that deadnaming piece of shit too
I sometimes wonder if I should pity her. She...really hates herself. I mean, I can't imagine a world where I hate everything I am all day. To say something like this, it's terribly sad. The woman needs help.
it’s pathetic & i feel bad for her to the same degree I do other rightwing sellouts like Wu. she should be deplatformed so she can’t keep harming anyone else & provided with therapy so she can heal. I want a good life for everyone, even rightwingers.
also maybe they wouldn’t even be right wingers anymore if they actually had a good life
Caitlyn Jenner has literally all the resources she needs to have a good life & she’s still pathologically miserable lmao
i know, sigh, but generally, if more people were less miserable because of terrible policies maybe they wouldn’t center their politics on spite and hatred. (maybe 🤞🏻)
That's such a good way of looking at it. She needs to be deplatformed, completely agree. And she needs help. But that you wish a good life for people that, really, really are awful speaks to your character.
I don't know - she probably has a backstory and trauma indeed But so have a lot of people who don't think lightly of other people's safety At some point it becomes a conscious choice in my opinion
Oh Sage, this is the best post I have read on here in days. 💖
I truly hate when people think they can ignore or deny our pronouns and transgender identity over something like hating us. It is really garbage of them. Being transphobic to horrible people is no different than any other bigotry, there is no justification for bigotry, none at all.
Libs do the same with ableism. I've seen so many shitty jokes about Greg Abbott's wheelchair. He is a horrible fascist wannabe, and can be hated for many things. His disability isn't one of them.
Or when they call Lindsey Graham “Miss Lindsey” or joke that he’s gay… this drives me so fucking crazy and it happens ALLLLL the time, like under every single tweet he makes or that is about him
Grabbing at that low hanging fruit must be tempting, but holy fuck, does it out you allyship as tissue paper deep.
She's a jerk, but she's still she
Yes this. She can be both at the same time and she seems to want to prove she can be a jerk and a woman every single day.