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Pan, Poly, Trans (obviously) | 3 kids, 3 cats, 2 dogs | WordPress by day, YouTube by night
Reposted byAvatar Alexis
Rest in Power Marsha P. Johnson. August 24, 1945 – July 6, 1992.
Happy Birthday to Marsha P. Johnson. May she rest in power.
Let’s go game hunting!
Going game hunting in the morning and filming. Really excited to expand my content with some I’m really passionate about. Having to do it on a second channel sucks, but that’s the algorithm BS for you 🤷🏼‍♀️
Tried reflashing the updated firmware and it didn’t work. Using the Retron SQ to play GBA games is a dead dream 😞
One of my favorite games of the last couple years is Arcade Spirits for Switch. I’d never played a dating sim/visual novel, but damn did this one feel great. That it revolves around retro arcades makes it all the more fun 🤩
Post your favorite underappreciated titles. People should check out Phoenotopia: Awakening. It's a fun Zelda II-inspired indie gem.
Gonna talk more about video games. I don’t do that enough, let alone play them enough
How I’m spending my evening 🥰
Reposted byAvatar Alexis
people will put “trans rights are human rights” in their bio and then say without a hint of irony that they won’t even vote to keep Trump out of office “ally” is a verb, and if your ACTION isn’t supporting and defending us you don’t get to call yourself one
I’ve reached the point where I have to ignore the news because if I don’t I’ll just cry constantly.
Morning bump for my new video! Help support independent bookstores by watching this one!
That video I was all nervous about? It's done! I'm starting a new series highlighting Central Florida businesses that go Beyond Pride and support the LGBTQ+ Community year-round. Check out the first episode featuring White Rose Books & More now 🥰
Go Beyond Pride with a Banned Books Store in Kissimmee, Pride Month 2024 is over, but Pride is more than just a few party-filled weekends every June. In this new series, we go Beyond Pride to highlight local busin...
That video I was all nervous about? It's done! I'm starting a new series highlighting Central Florida businesses that go Beyond Pride and support the LGBTQ+ Community year-round. Check out the first episode featuring White Rose Books & More now 🥰
Go Beyond Pride with a Banned Books Store in Kissimmee, Pride Month 2024 is over, but Pride is more than just a few party-filled weekends every June. In this new series, we go Beyond Pride to highlight local busin...
Reposted byAvatar Alexis
sorry to randomly quote-skeet this but i am fairly certain this specific scammer is back doing their thing again, so heads-up. it isn't to say that all people doing this are scammers by default, but i am reasonably certain this one specifically is
Its not a trans example but I just got followed and tagged by another one of these posing as someone suffering from cancer. Please don't fall for this shit. If the vibes feel off or if all they do every day is mass tag, ask for donations and boost similar accounts It's a scam preying on empathy
All dolled up to film
Filming the first episode of a new series today and I’m so nervous 😬
Filming the first episode of a new series today and I’m so nervous 😬
Transition: The Game
Reposted byAvatar Alexis
David Tennets approach to trans rights being as visceral and outraged as most of us is a refreshing thing to see compared to the loser celebs that just wear a shirt and deny it when backpedaling. He is risking his career to recognize humanity and that’s the energy we need from celebrities.
I was way overthinking it. Having all day to worry about it didn’t help.
I could not be more scared about how much this is going to hurt
I could not be more scared about how much this is going to hurt
Time to be a big girl! Hopefully I see more consistent results on injections 🤞🤞
range (I guess?)
range :3 (clearly not the chromatic kind)
Time to be a big girl! Hopefully I see more consistent results on injections 🤞🤞
Biden’s facial expressions would be incredible entertainment if he didn’t sound like a rambling bafoon and is TANKING his chances, fucking us all in the process.
Ignoring the bullshit they’re both spouting or rambling… I don’t like that they’re cutting Biden off but not Trump.
Reposted byAvatar Alexis
If I had a Bulbasaur I wouldn't make it fight over little weird monsters we would just watch movies and eat pizza together
Well, this is fuckin’ weird… I signed an agreement to do some IG posts in exchange for free clothes. The clothes arrived today, but the email to my contact came back as no longer existing. Now I don’t know what to do 🤷🏼‍♀️
Challenge for the willing: selfie right now
Challenge for the willing: selfie right now
This should be a fun series of court cases 🙄
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
Back amongst the living today (been busy)
That it takes so damn long to get new episodes of some shows is borderline criminal.
It is #weebwednesday once again! You know the drill, quote-skeet with your weeb shit but no racist stuff, nothing intentionally inflammatory, hit me!