
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
Trying Elon, trying.
Trump is going to have to pick up 3 of the following 5 to win: GA, AZ, PA, MI and WI. That’s tough when you consider PA & MI elected Dem govs by 10%+ in the last 4yrs, abortion is on the ballot in AZ w/ a 🍌🍌🍌state GOP, the GA GOP is still pissed about the phone call, and WI has a new Dem gov & map
Yes but have you considered a leaked internal poll that showed a 1 %-pt debate hit but Biden only up 2 in NM VA and MN pre-debate.
(Tbc I’m being sarcastic here)
I could sense the sarcasm 4 states away.
And the MIGOP is in the midst of a leadership crisis, broke and, based on anecdotal on the ground observations in Oakland County, not building much enthusiasm
Genuinely, thank you for this. It really makes me feel better
On top of that, Trump has handed the reins of the RNC to his daughter in law, who doesn’t exactly have a background in politics, and whose primary function is to funnel $$$ from the RNC into Trump related businesses. The problem with a cult of personality is that it tends to attract the unqualified.