
forgot how exhausting it is to debate tech bros who insist - diversity is important obv except not important enough to spend effort on - their all male team is diverse in other ways! - the problem is not w the company but rather the women who don’t apply - they only hire the best
"their all male team is diverse in other ways!" It is, though. Sean used to be a lacrosse midfielder while Shaun was a lacrosse defender.
Ha! Thats great I’ve never seen that before. Thanks!
Heard that last one from the head of Research when he hired SWG. Amazingly, we find out “the best” went to grad school with the head of Research! What are the odds?!
"What do you mean we're not diverse? We all went to four different Northeastern Schools.... And Braden went to Stamford. That's an entire different coast!"
My company’s official diversity training, which we have to take every year, includes a picture of 8 white men gathered around a conference table and says “well, actually, this is a diverse group”.
Still seeing red from the leader who said that HR needed more men because the leadership team was mostly (white) women. It was the only department in the company where leadership was mostly women.
Definitely remember my convo at Blizzard with a dept head lamenting that the reason we had a glut of cis men was because there was a “pipeline problem” and “do you know anyone”
Diversity = MIT AND Stanford? 🙄
if Women aren't applying that makes me think the company has a known reputation, enough that It is spoken about.
I've been looking for exceptions to Grandma's "Actions speak louder than words", and have yet to find it. Sometimes I think I've found it, and get hurt or feel foolish when I learn I'm wrong.
Assuming you defeated them on all those points, what the hell difference does it make if they just don't care anyway and you have no means to force them to. Personally i find your political aims shallow, but if you really care about them you won't get anywhere embarrassing the shameless.
the first one seems honest at least lmao
are they *ideologically* diverse though? i'm sure they pitched that one