
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
also this obliterated communications system is how we report on who’s gonna be president
wapo: don’t answer your phone also wapo: we’ve spent millions of dollars on phone polls and that’s bad for biden
I am against capital punishment but I think they should publicly execute exactly one phone scammer just to see how I feel about it then
what if The Beekeper with Jason Statham, but for realzies
Taken but at a phone scam factory in Myanmar
Made the elders watch the first 4 minutes of the movie to give them insight as to what (dramatized for the plot) goes on when they click the random popup or answer unknown calls
I literally made my parents watch it. Afterward, there was a quiz.
#infosec and other IT Security people everywhere, watching the opening scene of that film: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PUT THE PHONE DOWN! NOOOO! DON'T CALL DON'T DON'T NO wait wait oh good she's going to WHAT NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOO OH NO OH NO OH NO cc:
I'm down with that. Even if it's not Jason Statham, and it actually takes place in the U.S. rather than England pretending to be the U.S.
There is a youtube anti scammer guy who gets entire call centers shut down and gets these black market schemes bankrupt we shouldn't be relying on vigilantes to do what homeland security could do in a day
Got a scam call once with the DHS’ caller id telling me someone was using my identity in Korea (I lived in Korea for a while), then they had a second guy interrupt the first call with the caller id of my local police department telling me they had a warrant out for me, etc. Anyway, phone’s ruined.
"a recent poll of 3 area boomers who have had their identity stolen at least 4 times apiece shows donald trump leading by 30% (+/- 900%)
Oh gosh. They only send me polls by text. Maybe cuz I won’t be 70 for 2 years? Is that when I forget how to use tech?
As long as we get the ringleaders and not like, southeast Asian migrants living in near-slavery conditions, I’m listening
Watch at least the first episode of the HBO documentary TELEMARKETERS to give insight into how one call center operates (and their techniques) That there was that much not-so-undercover footage to make a multi-part documentary is crazy
In this respect, The Beekeeper was a very good movie
they're probably similar to potato chips. once you start, can you stop at one?
one of many, many reasons the US should support the rebels in Myanmar, and the "price" for our aid (in quotes because they've happily done it themselves) is to take some war-aid Switchblades and use them to raze phone scam centers to the ground
Biden does this, landslide reelection.
Not enough time to fund rebuilding the entire telco signalling system before the election, but yeah, if Biden's willing to lose votes in Florida, the rest of the country might respond well to a couple of telemarketers getting the death penalty, or being put in the stocks and forced to answer phones.
Plus it’d hit rural areas the hardest. We’d need to get everywhere wired for fiber and get rid of oldschool copper connections to actually shut down caller ID spoofing, etc
Making sure that the billing ID associated with the outbound TN actually matches a Source of Record would resolve it. It's not fiber vs copper connections, it's central office infrastructure & caller ID dips that aren't getting done correctly. And it's SUPER frustrating!
Florida's not voting for him, so it seems a fair trade off
Sigh. In 2000, even with voter suppression and Ralph Nader, Democrats and Republicans were basically even and Dem-lite made the totals more liberal than conservative.
Florida also went to Obama in 08 and 12, but I'm not sure what Biden could do at this point.
You are talking about something 24 years before this. This is like when the West Wing tried to pretend that California was a toss up state in 2006.
I love how, years back, congress was bipartisan about loud TV commercials and robocallers. Goes to show that they can agree when something affects them at home.
They can when there's two reasonable parties. Now the GOP would just snarl something about how it's woke to not want to be taken for your life savings.
But WHAT IF a hypothetical church wanted to call people to tell them about Jesus and Saving Babies and Transes Are Bad and got caught up in this law that would suppress this hypothetical church's Freeeee Speeeeech if they couldn't call people at home to Save Babies obviously you hate babies. (SIGH)
Just today I got a call from a “detective” in my county’s sheriffs department needing to talk to me about “very important legal matters” that require my immediate attention. I know people fall for these and clearly our society just doesn’t care.
I keep banging on about this, but it is the same thing with romance scammers and dating sites. Those sites could remove those profiles, but they just don’t. Romance scammers are even on LinkedIn these days.
Please start with the one who stole $24K from my elderly friend. Frightened her into not telling anyone what was happening. & since I know some of the actual telephone handlers are also being coerced, let’s find the head of the snake and execute *that* asshole.
One per week. On TV on Sunday night.
Have you seen the pranks Kitboga pulls on phone scammers? Recently he trapped several of them on a fake bank website where they had to obey increasingly ridiculous requirements to reset the password.
And we can’t even track them because call spoofing is just *that* effective and the newest countermeasure will basically require that all twisted pair based phone systems get turned off!
I keep saying we can't KNOW that tossing Trump into a volcano *won't* rectify this fucked up timeline unless we try.. .. That's just science.
I also oppose capital punishment, but:
Even under this extreme circumstance… NO.
Also WaPo: You glanced at us! Please turn cookies on, location on, ad blocker off, join our loyal subscribers club, tell your friends, and fill out a very short survey.
Meanwhile the Boston globe can only have the subscription canceled by phone, a process they make difficult and annoying
I don’t understand how anyone can put any faith in telephone polls today. Who answers those calls?
Oh goddamn it I should have read farther into the thread