
“There were plenty of moments during Mr Trump’s campaign events in Greensboro, North Carolina and later in Richmond when he appeared to struggle to deliver his speech or seemed to be confused.”
Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama ‘Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word,’ Trump says
But he still sounds semi-coherent when he calls Maggie Habermann on her burner phone, so the NYT will never cover this.
I seriously hope that when the general public sees more of him in the general it'll be more obvious that Trump is obviously declined significantly
Is it me, or is there better reporting on Trump from foreign outlets than US-based ones?
Early on in the Trump administration, an Australian reporter wrote about being shocked when she finally saw him speak because our media would paraphrase him to make it make sense despite using direct quote marks. That’s a disservice to us Americans
As a further example, the Guardian spoke to translators who found Trump's English so difficult to translate that they would end up being forced to paraphrase, omit vulgarities etc., which made Trump sound more coherent than he actually was.
The Guardian again - this time regarding translating Trump's speech.
Don’t worry the NYT reporting team was there to take it all in; they’ll surely let readers know all about these lapses.
And there it is. The whole reason he got into politics in the first place: a black man once made fun of him and he's seethed for vengeance ever since...
I still halfway suspect the Obama-Biden 'confusion' is a dog whistle to his minions that think Barack is puppeting Joe. 0_o Not sure which is worse, rump being as demented as he's otherwise seeming, or the idea he might actually believe that crap.
It's going to be hilarious to watch the Roberts court pull out all the stops to help this guy, burn up whatever fleeting motes of legitimacy it has left... only for him to drop dead of a cheeseburger attack before the election anyway.
No no no no don't you understand he's just playing fifth dimensional chess. He's doing this intentionally to throw people off. He said so himself! And his followers are stupid enough to believe him.
"Appeared" "seemed" Like the sun appeared to be in the sky and seemed to be emitting photons. Trump could start screaming about how they have to keep moving because they're in bat country and the media would still couch their language to comfort Trump and his cult. Guess he has them that scared.
Liars need good memories,his is beginning to wane!
Watched that “speech” in passing (channel flipping) last night The stress he feels now, and that of the coming months is going to eat him alive His cognitive facilities are failing … bigly
Talk about cognitive abilities, who is worse ?