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Genderfluid, any pronouns. Anarchist. Durham, NC. DM for Discord/Signal
do you know what they're called? I'd love to know more about them!
what would an independent guild of reporters, that functions similar to a company but would be democratic and horizontally structured, look like? would it include peer review instead of review by editors (who can control what you write about and what you say)? would this require dedicated new tech?
I think one problem with relying on voting as THE solution to things like Project 2025 is that if Trump is elected 99% of you mfers will just stop fighting it bc you think "ope well I guess we did our best but now there's nothing we can do". there's plenty you can do
you can go to/help organize protests; organize local programs that provide help to pregnant people, trans people, and others who will quickly become even more marginalized; REDACTED the houses of lawmakers and judges who remove our rights; practice civil (and maybe uncivil) disobedience when prudent
I'm fairly certain that there's no way currently to turn your profile "private", meaning it wouldn't be fetchable from the API. what's possible now is making it so that apps can be told that the user *wants* their posts to not be visible *in the UI*. apps can not obey that directive if they choose.
also sorry, *to logged out users in the UI* is what I meant to say. but as far as I know no major apps people are using as bsky clients are disobeying the user's request to not display their posts to logged out users.
I'm sorry Ellen. as a bsky hobbyist I really hope this place earns your trust back eventually!
hobbyist and enthusiast*
joke factory is on strike. maybe we should pay them a living wage idk
I think Feeld gets most things right iirc
wait why did they release something or are we sad
one must imagine Sisyphus cleaning his bong meticulously
yea. there are valid reasons Biden can't be president anymore imo (he really is gone mentally) but making the implicit argument that anyone even mildly physically disabled can't do the job, or that if you're old enough for a walker you can't do the job, is ridiculous.
who is Kirk from the hit show Gilmore Girls?
not correcting them about the gay part too is so funny to me
haha seems cool, I like space. if that's your thing too then it's great!
if you can convince a centrist to not use the word "stupid" bc it's ableist
definitely set up a profile picture! not having one is a bad sign around here to a lot of people 💛. to find people to follow find one person, then look at who THEY follow, then do the same for them, and just fine people you might like that way
this OP is the holy grail of being able to identify misinformation from an AI's perspective. I will not trust an AI to be good at it until it could reliably label the OP as misinformation lol
tbh i do not totally wanna see the way this app reacts to the neil gaiman SA allegations
Reposted byAvatar Ty🦋
This is going to ruin the tour
anyone arguing that the correct response to seeing all the awful things online is to "log off and live your life" instead of getting into the fucking streets is brainwashed
like believe me there's balance to this I'm not arguing you have to be organizing any more than you can handle but fuck dude, stop acting blissfully ignorant and start building power
Reposted byAvatar Ty🦋
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
it's obvious you're not engaging in good faith dude, I'm not interested in talking anymore on this topic currently, sorry
you might not be ready to hear this, but build dual power outside of government. encourage or demand that your business become a full worker cooperative. create organizations in your local community that would be able to help run local services if the government started to fail to do its job.
that doesn't mean he shouldn't do it tho. if he did the below, he might get convicted in like 4 years of a crime but he'll be dead by then and once the Supreme Court sets precedent that you can't actually arrest your political opponents, Trump wouldn't be able to do it.
Biden should announce *tomorrow* that Trump will be arrested and put in jail, go through all the pomp and circumstance, and then personally turn the key to let him out of jail. proving that he now has insane power as president that we don't want Trump having AND that Biden is the better moral choice