uncanny vallie

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uncanny vallie


I draw things sometimes.

they/them, white, account also formerly known as sassyphos on the other blue site
No problem at all! Thanks for keeping it in mind regardless :D
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It’s portfolioday tomorrow!! Get your work and name out there!! I’m sitting this one out, but feel free to link me your post so I can help share it!
This coming Tuesday is #PortfolioDay! Check out the new format below and get to Nightshading and Glazing! You got this!💛
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Ink study~ I need to get whiteout... 🍓
Silly little comments boost mood and morale! 😌
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
Guten Abend denkt daran eure Medikamente zu nehmen 💜 Good evening remember to take your meds 💜 Bonsoir pensez à prendre vos médicaments 💜
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
Head's up, this is a really common refrain for Stephen Miller. Remember, comparing Jews to lizard people/reptiles is an antisemitic trope. (The idea that Jews are secretly inhuman lizard people secretly infiltrating humanity to take control.) There are lots of other ways we can criticize his evil.
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
today I not only touched grass, I also sat in it and watched two fox kits playing shockingly I am still disabled
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
This weevil landed on me while I was walking along a windy trail and as I said "oh hey bud, let me get you to a tree" it immediately was like "pfft. nah" and flew away, but then the wind blasted it right back onto me and it just lay there for several seconds in I assume deep mortification
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
#ArtFight Days 5 and 6! 8-Track for kubo Gregor for WitchyWhosit #art #furry 🦢
Unpopular opinion but it sure is something to see throngs of unmasked people celebrating "victory against fascism"
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Today’s bake for brother’s 40th. I believe I have outdone myself.
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Some 15 minute studies to kick off the week
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📢📣Schwer krank & unversorgt: ME/CFS Die ersten Plakate hängen! Wir freuen uns sehr, mit unserer Kampagne Aufmerksamkeit für ME/CFS & die Situation der Betroffenen zu schaffen! #MECFS ist eine schwere Multisystemerkrankung, die in Österreich zehntausende Menschen meist ab jungem Alter betrifft 1/5
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
I just finished The Red Scholar's Wake and I loved it so much! The ships are people with all the complexity and nuance that brings. The parent-child dynamics are so well done. And the romance is both delightful and deals with shame and feeling like you're not good enough. Highly recommend!
Yeahhhhhh I mean I wrote a sapphic romance where one of the pair is a woman kidnapped by pirates and for whom there's no return to her previous life, and most of it takes place onboard the same ship
omg Mein Cover in einem richtigen Buchladen Würde i Dreieck springen, wenn ich könnte
Die Queer*Welten 12-24 ist, ebenso wie alle noch lieferbaren Ausgaben davor natürlich im Otherland vorhanden. Natürlich. Otherland -- wir sehen uns in der Zukunft
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
Die Queer*Welten 12-24 ist, ebenso wie alle noch lieferbaren Ausgaben davor natürlich im Otherland vorhanden. Natürlich. Otherland -- wir sehen uns in der Zukunft
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
People really need to give up the idea there's any connection between morality and art. Immoral people are capable of creating moving, empathetic art. Nothing about writing dark and violent art implies the artist is themselves dark and violent. Etc. There just isn't a connection.
Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
If you are against ai in art you have to be patience with artists! You have to give beginner artists time and not judge their mistakes! Let them work at their own pace and experiment. You have to encourage artist, especially beginner artists! And support indie artists!
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Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
Bear family and bees in a flower field on a cute pour over set 🐻🐝🌼
Today's weakness level: slicing bread is hard 🫠
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In zwei Wochen jährt sich zum achten Mal das rechtsterroristische und rassistische Attentat vom 22.07.2016 am Münchener Olympia-Einkaufzentrum, bei dem neun Menschen ermordet wurden.
But that's when it's the best and juiciest!
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Doch doch, ich will binären endo cis Personen „was wegnehmen“. Und zwar ihren dominante Deutungs- & Definitionsherrschaftsanspruch über (Nicht-)Geschlechtlichkeit. Am liebsten vorgestern!🥊✨
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Reposted byAvatar uncanny vallie
“It’s already there. Adapt and accept it” Bitch, ai isn’t gravity!
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Arietty! Another original for SDCC