Emi the Sweary CookšŸŒµ

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Emi the Sweary CookšŸŒµ


Freelance writer, Full-time fan trash, good cook.
Ah. The Olympics. I love the events.
Never would have thought "Recreational sex is pretty fucking rad" would be some kind of lefty political position, but here we are, I guess. DEMOCRATS 2024: BECAUSE SEX IS FUN
Arenā€™t us lefties supposed to be the nanny state?
Canā€™t look at the steam forums for bg3 advice anymore cause thereā€™s nsfw content and steam (rightly) doesnā€™t want to make an age verification system or collect DL numbers. Lol. Lmao. Fuck you Texas. Love that Iā€™m treated like a child in this stupid fucking state unless I want to give up my identity
Canā€™t look at the steam forums for bg3 advice anymore cause thereā€™s nsfw content and steam (rightly) doesnā€™t want to make an age verification system or collect DL numbers. Lol. Lmao. Fuck you Texas. Love that Iā€™m treated like a child in this stupid fucking state unless I want to give up my identity
I didnā€™t really understand how to use Asterion my first playthrough, but now that I finally do, he fucking rules. Got him as a duel wield assassin this run and he is just amazing at shanking!
She is correct here, but goddamn my brain itches when people say gaslighting and they mean lying. Those words are related, but they are not synonymous. Watch the fucking movie people!!
More of this, please.
My calico cat is absolutely entranced by Twister. I did not expect this result. She usually only likes to watch Lord of the Rings.
There shouldā€™ve been a Dune in the late 90s so Peter Stormare couldā€™ve played Harkonnen. That wouldā€™ve ruled.
Once my German friend asked what creative people do without arts grants and other support in the US and I felt like a parent trying to explain to their kid that the puppies can die sometimes
Last point - I talk about how shitty my experience was but many of my friends had different, worse experiences. A friend who lost out on a TA position to hot girl in a different part of the program. A friend who was fired for gaining weight when she took prednisone for a medical condition, (1/?)
Iā€™m going to be on this rant for a minute. I apologize. But I took a womenā€™s history class in college with a group of dudes who were there to troll. The military came up and this vet said there was a woman in his unit and it was distracting cause the unit all tried to claim dibs on her. (1/2)
Oh, and I also reject that Iā€™m not supposed to talk about the abuse I endured from men as a pretty young woman. Saying itā€™s arrogant to talk about it is just another bullshit way to silence us. Iā€™m old now and I get to bitch goddamnit.
How in 2024, are men still deciding if they respect a woman by fuckability. Too hot? ā€œNo sheā€™s dumb and evil and trying to teeeempt me!!ā€ Or ā€œsheā€™s old/fat/unattractive to me in some way! Gross and invalid! She reminds me of my moooooom!!ā€ Grow the fuck up.
How in 2024, are men still deciding if they respect a woman by fuckability. Too hot? ā€œNo sheā€™s dumb and evil and trying to teeeempt me!!ā€ Or ā€œsheā€™s old/fat/unattractive to me in some way! Gross and invalid! She reminds me of my moooooom!!ā€ Grow the fuck up.
Astonishing that ā€œshe is bad and dumb because I want to fuck herā€ is still a thing. Men are pathetic.
THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL !! A rallying cry to get us through brat summer and to the polls!
Iā€™d really like to say Iā€™m surprised. I would. But what women hasnā€™t been subject to this bullshit? So disappointing. The sexist freaks need a new line.
Oh shit! Oh fuck! I accidentally looked at Twitter again. And if I had to see this, so do you.
This is how I got my big tuxedo cat. Seriously.
Pet him Adym!! Pet him on his scaly snoot! He is your fren! Pikachu chooses you!!
The symmetry of this piece! Read it! Itā€™s a gift link!
Tonight's episode of House of the Dragon dropped a new 'ship on the fandom like a 16-ton weight. Also, As A Brother Of A Brother, Daemon's final dream made me cry. A good episode, in other words, which I reviewed for the NYT (gift link)
ā€˜House of the Dragonā€™ Season 2, Episode 6 Recap: The Black Queenā€™s Gambitwww.nytimes.com Rhaenyra sends a gift to the small folk. There may be some strings attached.
Enough real politics for today. This will be the thread for House of the Dragon tonight. Mute if you arenā€™t watching live! šŸ‰
Iā€™ve been arguing about late term and ā€œpartial birthā€ abortion (fake!) since I was like 8. Iā€™m so fucking tired of this stupidity.
Yā€™all I got push polled at 6pm. Preview of the (to be expected) oppo points against Harris. Note the abortion framing.
Expand the Supreme Court on your way out, bro. Just do it. Die historic on the Fury Road
Finally got to do a full grocery store run for the first time since Beryl so I am making my classic steak dinner. Filet mignon in the cast iron, seared broccoli, and the BC box of scalloped potatoes. Perfection. Life is starting to feel normal again. šŸœšŸ½ļø
Finally got to do a full grocery store run for the first time since Beryl so I am making my classic steak dinner. Filet mignon in the cast iron, seared broccoli, and the BC box of scalloped potatoes. Perfection. Life is starting to feel normal again. šŸœšŸ½ļø
I predict everyone will be chill with a failing old man naming a woman as his heir.
Maybe Iā€™m wrong, I hope Iā€™m wrong. But this is America and Kamala Harris is a biracial woman. I think weā€™re fucked.
Time to start drinking
Yā€™all got any more of those decades where nothing happens
Definitely watching the dumb pregnancy movie with the mid reviews after this.
Civil War is not as bad as people said it was, but itā€™s also not trying to be the movie those people thought it should be. This is interesting