
This is an exchange I had with a Trump voter at a rally several years ago.
New rule: to comment negatively about immigrants, you have to first disclose why your own family members immigrated to the US seeking a better life, and why people facing much worse shouldn’t have the same opportunity.
Thinking back now, I would've asked her if she thought a Mexican immigrant who has not done anything should be allowed to cross the border illegally to make the double-standard even starker, but my brain had been so fried by her admission that I didn't. I could feel it sizzling.
Too bad she doesn’t seem to realize that just a few short decades ago, the rest of those MAGAs would have been informing her SHE wasn’t white no matter how pale her skin because of her Italian (wop) heritage and treating her accordingly. Throw in “idolater” for good measure if Catholic.
As someone who experienced severe evangelical bullying and discrimination for being Italian/Irish and Catholic it never ceases to amaze me how the far right evangelicals made temporary peace due to shared hatreds, and how few Catholics seem to realize the devil’s bargain they’ve made.
You're asking a Catholic to think for themselves. They're even worse about reading the bible than Evangelists. (I was raised Catholic, you did not question the man at the pulpit, even if he was flat out wrong)
True, that’s another thing they have in common with far right evangelicals. *Especially* if you are a woman, you are punished for thinking at all. I can still feel the ruler from CCD and asking too many questions of even the *nuns*