
This is an exchange I had with a Trump voter at a rally several years ago.
New rule: to comment negatively about immigrants, you have to first disclose why your own family members immigrated to the US seeking a better life, and why people facing much worse shouldn’t have the same opportunity.
Thinking back now, I would've asked her if she thought a Mexican immigrant who has not done anything should be allowed to cross the border illegally to make the double-standard even starker, but my brain had been so fried by her admission that I didn't. I could feel it sizzling.
Nothing makes sense until you can truly mentally accept that there's no objective standard, there's only "my team good, anything pro-them =good, anything anti-them or pro-anyone else =bad." Any claim that they're mad about X, think X should be punishable etc, is reasoning backwards from there.
Back the Blue...except at the Capitol Rule of Law...except for Trump and NYPD officers speeding families Campus Free Speech...but only for young conservatives No government subsidies to welfare queens...except farmers No free handouts... except to Elon Musk, a new corporate HQ or sports stadium
Add No abortion...except for the women they know personally
I've met people who see life as a constant competition between Our Group and All The Other Groups. All actions and hypocrisy are permitted, and any other standard is naive and childish.
This is all it is. Taking an obvious and huge rhetorical L in a confrontation like that is merely a momentary misfortune - a tragic win for the Others - but it has ZERO impact on her overall worldview.
And absolutely no blue pills for the man things so intent on biblical relationships. No reason for THAT since sex is only for gawd and babies.
Farmers wouldn’t need subsidies if they were allowed to set their own prices rather than have grocery conglomerates dictate them. The farmer who grows your daily bread makes about a nickel a loaf. His inputs to grow the wheat costs more per loaf than that. So your taxes make up the shortfall
Too bad she doesn’t seem to realize that just a few short decades ago, the rest of those MAGAs would have been informing her SHE wasn’t white no matter how pale her skin because of her Italian (wop) heritage and treating her accordingly. Throw in “idolater” for good measure if Catholic.
As someone who experienced severe evangelical bullying and discrimination for being Italian/Irish and Catholic it never ceases to amaze me how the far right evangelicals made temporary peace due to shared hatreds, and how few Catholics seem to realize the devil’s bargain they’ve made.
You're asking a Catholic to think for themselves. They're even worse about reading the bible than Evangelists. (I was raised Catholic, you did not question the man at the pulpit, even if he was flat out wrong)
True, that’s another thing they have in common with far right evangelicals. *Especially* if you are a woman, you are punished for thinking at all. I can still feel the ruler from CCD and asking too many questions of even the *nuns*
Sounds like the cognitive was really dissonancing.
The mafia is small bore fascism. Holding the mafia up as law and order, or really as anything other than brutally predatory, is a way of signalling "You bet I'd go fash in a heartbeat."
at least it was just a conversation. being raised by one gave me permanent brain damage
oh tbf if its an honor killing then assimilating into American culture should be no problem
Every time I see pro or con immigration discussions, I think about my immigrant grandfather who nearly died on the Russian front serving the Tsar in WWI, and, for thanks, saw his village wiped out in a pogrom. I don't understand, and never will, children of immigrants not welcoming other immigrants.
And yet it’s one of the most predictable constants. Second-generation citizens are frequently the most xenophobic and hostile to immigration.
most of them won’t say it, but it’s white people. that’s it. they want white people only. this woman would turn on those Sikhs immediately if she didn’t require them as a cudgel to bash another minority
Man, this is remarkable for the obvious reasons — but I’m also just deeply professionally jealous of getting that quote
Amazing, horrific. I’m thinking it will help a small number of unreflective ppl change their views, but mostly signal to undecided ppl that they should ignore the arguments these people make.
I am always outraged by the people who want to pull the ladder up and put the closed sign up after their family arrives.
This is simply too on the nose, I can’t process.
It's so fascinating that she clarified that it was an "honor killing," yet went out of her way to bash Muslims, since those are such a pervasive trope against Muslim people.
Refreshing to see conservatives change their minds on "honor killings"
A gay Hispanic Trump supporter told me he wasn't worries about being arrested under Trump. "He's legal"😳
Was he Cuban by any chance?
I think he may be. Idk. It was the last time I had lunch with him.
Cuban refugees get a free pass from wet-foot-dry-foot because America hates Cuba. If he was Cuban, his family never had any problems immigrating and then pulling the ladder back up after them to anyone other than Cubans
This is an amazing exchange
For me, she makes an interesting case for restricting Italian immigration in the late 1800's.
She knows her talking points. The papers were full of complaints that Italy wasn't sending their best, look at these criminals addicted to the vendetta. So laws passed limiting Italian immigration. They mostly got to achieve whiteness post-WWII because they were Christian of a sort and not Black.
And around the 1920’s white plantation owners got permission from both US and Italy to “import” impoverished southern Italians to replace blacks who had migrated to the north for factory jobs. They didn’t all get to this country on their own.
Describing Little Italy as a parallel society ("Parallelgesellschaft" in Germany) would have made her think a little more, I guess. On the other hand I try to work out how the antisemitic violence of Arabic migrants relates to these former times. Will it simply go away with Americanisation?
To the extent that antisemitic violence is indeed a specific problem among Arab migrants (which assumes facts not in evidence), I think it's about the most mainstream-American (or German, or British, etc) behavior they could possibly display.
(this is not a compliment to anyone involved)
Most antisemitic hate crimes are actually from white supremacists.
This specific wave of violence at universities? I don't think so. In Germany I would even more say that the violent threat to Jews in the streets rarely comes from white Nazis but from Muslim migrants especially Arabs. This ignorance towards this special problem doesn't help.
1) The violence mainly came from the cops, from what I saw. 2) Those protests at colleges were all from Muslim or Arab immigrants? Really?? It's not ignorance. Most hate crimes in the US are perpetrated by white supremacists. Not from immigrants.
I've seen data that suggest the same is true for Germany but I can't speak to how recent it is.
I make a difference what kind of hate crime it is. Getting evil letters, seeing graffitti or dumb tweets can be sickening, yes, but having to cope with aggressive behaviour towards you on the street or indeed direct violence has different quality. German Jews are more afraid of migrant quarters.
You would say that, but have you checked if you're *right*?
It sounds... Have you followed German news? Have you listened to or read what was shouted at pro-Palestine demonstrations?
I don't stereotype an entire ethnic group based upon the actions of individuals That's really more of a white German thing
as someone currently helping a loved one through immigration I feel strongly that in order to graduate high school you need to successfully complete an I-485 package or stfu foreverrrrr