Vala Selene πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Vala Selene πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

She/her. Predatory isotope.
If you're British at least, "mate" is absolutely gender neutral. Not sure about elsewhere.
I thought I was being especially charitable continuing to the 4th book.
It's just good enough that people who haven't read a lot of good writers won't think about it too much. For me it was the first book series I ever gave up on. People hyped it so much, yet it was decidedly average with some way too annoying and grating plot points.
Saying they're terrible would be going too far in my opinion, but they're not good and there are loads of way better authors with way less success.
Shout out today and every day to those trans people who transitioned later in life! You’re a huge inspiration and show us all what’s still possible. 🩡🩷🀍🩷🩡
Having had a coworker insist to my face that while work said I was to be referred to by my new (legally changed) name at all times that didn't apply to when he talked about me in the past and then "reminiscing" about old times I was *so* grateful when someone else stood up to him.
It's easy to stand up for others, not so much for yourself. Having someone stand up for you when you feel like standing up for yourself will justify their bigotry to others is unbelievably liberating. I could have wept in relief, but managed to control myself. Just.
IANAL, you'd be better off asking a solicitor if you want to be sure, but it certainly seems transformative enough to not be an issue. The rules here are similar to the US, though a little stricter. There are definitely differences, but they're generally trying to achieve the same things.
If you are concerned, check if your local area does a free legal clinic. They're pretty common and will cover different topics on different days. You'll have to wait around for a while, but you can get advice on questions like this.
Oh dear. What could he possibly have said to be less likeable? He's already an odious prick.
Oh wow. Never mind. I came across the story and this makes so much more sense now. What a twat. I went without food sometimes, he went without Sky, we're basically the same. πŸ™„
please enjoy this cursed keyboard I found on Reddit
As long as it presses a key when you flip it, not keep it held down until you flip it back I actually kind of love it. πŸ˜‚
If you receive an accursed item that you cannot get rid of that gradually makes your family and community hate you more, normally that’s a Twilight Zone episode
Bro can’t park his Cybertruck due to physical limitations of his parking space and can’t sell it either due to legal limitations in the Cybertruck order agreement that he had to sign to get it
"Guilty?" "Er. No. Freedom actually." "What?" "Yeah, they said he hadn't done anything and he could go and live on an island somewhere." "Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off he goes then." "No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's guilty really."
To look like a specific Korean boy band member. Then he used that nonsense to pretend to be a detransitioner as a hook for his anti trans gift. You know, perfectly normal things.
When it came to presentation I know I'm privileged in having a supportive cis wife, so maybe not applicable, but for me I decided without any medical transition to just go full time as me. That doesn't mean I put makeup on every day, but that whatever I do is always for me. It helped me at least.
Yes. So much. I need to make progress and my brain will not let me e.g. put in the effort to practice voice training enough or chase up slow providers. Let alone trying to research the best way forwards because my doctor keeps asking me what to do rather than make decisions. ☹️
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The sky gets uppity if you don't bombard it from time to time to show it who's boss.
Oh im way too proud of this
There's a reason the west was dreadfully scared of the left, but isn't any more. They've poisoned the well thoroughly.