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Line 21 captions enthusiast 💬
MBTA Red Line tolerater 🚇
Mechanical engineer ⚙️
Man, it’s a testament to the Gregory Brothers’ ability to create a catchy tune that I remember the “it’s just New Jersey” line 14 years later. What a weird political moment.
Sanity At the sight of at least dozens of people flooding onto The National Mall, Jon Stewart, a prominent American rally organizer, launches into a sincere moment ...
When the US beat Pakistan in cricket, non-Americans kept posting pictures of the team like it was a gotcha. Yes, South East Asian Americans exist and they’re as American as my colonial Rhode Island ass. Only one flag on those jerseys!! 🇺🇸🫡
Criminal that they never worked her ability to unicycle into an episode. Also apparently she and Sirtis were the only cast members with theater combat training, but they were stuck with “smashing pots on heads” in Qpid.
“Chapo guys, but for a lefty Nixon” would be a funny bit.
They weren’t exactly memes, but I remember seeing some wild political posts on Tumblr at the time. One kinda sorta acknowledged that Bernie was bad on guns while giving A+’s to the rest of his policies. One truly crazy “infographic” had Hillary to the right of Nixon!
“Dems secretly control the GOP and do not themselves consist of minorities” certainly has a je ne sais quoi about it.
It’s absolutely maddening to see people take Trump’s claim that he won’t implement Project 2025 at face value. Many authors of the thing were in his administration! One of them was the political appointee for my department! Any one of them has like a dozen scandals linked to their name.
Happy 4th! 🇺🇸🎆🗽
Another moment in the grocery store when I’m not sure whether to be deeply ashamed or incredibly proud to be an American. Just look at that innovation.
You’re saying you doubted the absolute integrity of [checks notes] Glenn Greenwald?
All of the top US presidents have been famously able-bodied and have never had to use mobility devices.
I’ve been to a few train accidents for work, and there is, uh, shockingly little of the car or truck left after it’s struck. Meanwhile, the locomotive just has a few scrapes.
I wish Boston had a good transit museum. Our system might not be as expansive as NYC’s, but there’s still a lot of history there.
He’s a pretty normie Dem, but he gives off such intense slimy vibes. Also I could do without having to hear the words “French Laundry” ad nauseam.
Her and Pritzker get name dropped a lot here, but I think name recognition outside of the Midwest has to be sub-5%.
Dialogue 🔈: |-[]————-| Coldplay 🔈: |—————[]|
I sure hope some of those are gifs. I want to see the phone ring or the newspaper flutter on mouseover.
Manhattan commuters after being forced to pay $15
Exactly! Wasn’t it the complaint during the 2020 primary that the party wielded outsized influence to nominate Biden? He’s the type of guy an open convention would pick.
I typically like Ezra Klein, but his recent hobbyhorse of “let’s revert back to smoke-filled rooms to choose the candidates because Biden is old” is really grating.
I need more of her fanboys to just admit they think she’s hot and that’s enough to ignore her reactionary politics. “Her death penalty writing is good!” The median Dem is also against the death penalty and wasn’t “secretly” cheering Roe’s downfall, but they’re not getting bylines in The Atlantic.
My local Target had a pretty big pride display last year and I haven’t seen any hint of them setting up a similar display for June. Maybe they will in the next few days, but it seems like a bad omen if they aren’t bothering in a deep blue region.
This reminds me a lot of the supposed ideological gap between Warren and Bernie in 2020. Warren wanted to cancel $50K of student debt while Bernie was promising to cancel it all. In retrospect, neither of those would happen with our current courts if Biden can’t even push through his plans.
Abandonment and the mortality of one’s own parents was not exactly something five-year-old me wanted to ponder.
I love Tasty Burger’s tots. Wish they had more locations.
YouTubers definitely garner the same type of parasocial followings. The more a listener/viewer feels like they’re part of a friend group with the content creators, the worse the problem is.