irl tiefling

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irl tiefling

i do it for the girls and the gays that's it | They/She
Ralf Schumacher’s gay???????? Knew there was a reason I thought he was the cooler brother
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Too many people with poster’s madness, too much genuinely insane news, not enough of a buffer period between “main characters” — it’s genuinely hard to say this site is “better” than the one owned and run by a nazi b/c it’s just a different configuration of collective bed-shitting, not a better one.
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caught more blocks yesterday than in my first year of bluesky. fucking insane. i even said i like jbouie, this is just how little trans women are allowed to voice displeasure at the organizations trying to legitimize our demise
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this is exactly it. I generally like jbouie, but if you speak for any group, you should be expected to hear out that group's critique of your work.
the fact that people are practically sitting shiva for a guy deactivating his account because he didn't like that people he claimed to be speaking for pushed back on him is probably one of the grossest things today and deeply revealing to who you are as a person if you do it!
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If trans women make a critique of a guy for working for a transphobic publication and, within under a week, his supporters are using transphobic language for rhetorical victory points that kind of proves the trans women's point, doesn't it.
Southgate is going to go down as our all-time greatest manager which will be so funny to everyone who lived through it
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Just a reminder to UK folks to write in: If you're holding back because you're feeling squeamish about gender affirming care for trans kids, then here's a thing: Most breast reductions performed in this way are for cis boys due to steroid use. Puberty blockers buy time to make informed decisions.
MPs are contactable here. "If puberty blockers are dangerous, why are cis kids lives continuing to be endangered? If they are not dangerous, why are trans kids being denied gender affirming care which drastically lowers their risk of suicide?" 2 minutes. Save a life. Making it easy to keep an eye on the UK’s parliaments. Discover who represents you, how they’ve voted and what they’ve said in debates.
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This one didn’t even ask him to quit, just pointing out the terrible irony of it all, and like, you don’t have a response for this, that’s fine. But like, he just couldn’t even ignore it and let it sit there in all of its uncomfortable validity.
Not usually the sort of thing I post about, but damn even the "pro-trans" nyt columnists *really* hate facing even the slightest pushback from actual trans people. If you don't want to face it, don't work for the rag that's trying to get us all killed.
won’t somebody please think of the columnists
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This includes me btw! Please don’t feel bad if the stuff I share or post upsets you, i am just some dude, block as needed!
Oh hey, especially given the ‘This is a trigger for a while’ experience of this present time: Mute and or block anything you need to. A N Y T H I N G Your mental and emotional health is an unassailable fortress. Defend it with everything you have.
I am now an officially licensed hot girl* with IBS
Football didn’t come home but it did do the most English thing imaginable of moving to Spain as a tax dodge
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Henry VIII! A crop from the map I illustrated for the Folger Library #shakespeare
Strangely, Ellis’s maxim of “If you’re not writing, you’re not a writer” didn’t hold up to scrutiny when it came to writing to the people he abused
Though I will say this. Anyone who reads Warren Ellis's email newsletter may wonder how he has time to write it, but not to directly address people he harmed when they – with unnecessary good grace – appointed a mediator. Almost as though he's still trying to avoid responsibility for his actions.
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It's weeks like this one when I'm grateful to have a gig writing but outside the 'family business' of SFFH. Because that house is built on a pyramid scheme mostly made up of the dodgy treatment of women and kids. The 'fans' and 'pros' thing actively lends itself to wild abuses of power.
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For‬, here's a repost of the glasgow 2024 bingo card with alt text.
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Sailor Venus fresh from battle! I wish we had gotten her sword in the OG anime, but that is what fanart is for. Pose references #sailormoon #fanart #watercolor
look sometimes you cope with your medical anxiety by writing 3000 words about your OC eating pussy. We all fight or flight differently
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Why’s that, Francis? Did something happen?
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I know this is a statue of Lady Macbeth washing her hands in her sleep, but it looks like she's rolling up her sleeves as she offers you outside for a fight.
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in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
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Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.
ngl the only thing more pathetic than a big ironyposter is someone who posts like a big ironyposter but only has like 6 followers
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time moves forward and nothing changes
Southgate to USMNT it’d be so funny
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The ENnies are, regardless of my feelings about them, the most prestigious and highest profile awards in TTRPGs. The fact that next year they'll be judged by an all-white panel feels like a profound disappointment for the industry at large.
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fascism doesn't play electoral politics, y'all: the scariest potential way this can benefit trump is that armed yahoos start blowing up election centers and blasting voters and politicians. a red wave of blood on a night of broken glass, as it were.
I've seen many Ds lamenting and many Rs celebrating that the assassination attempt will be hugely electorally beneficial to trump and zero people on either side explaining the mechanism by which this takes place
losing it at the cancelled episode 9 script