
"If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream." THESE EVIL GHOULS
Interesting that they think price gouging is fine now that Uber gave it the name "surge pricing."
The grocery chain up here widely acknowledged to be the driver of massive food cost inflation has been using these for a looooong time. Originally I thought it was good, easier on staff not having to change out paper tags for sales etc. Then I understood it was so they could jack prices quickly.
My gf has a friend who flips her food stamps 50 cents on the dollar so we can effectively go grocery shopping for half price. We count up the amount in the cart before we get to the register, but this would completely negate any pre-counting customers do. Can't imagine this would survive litigation
"While the labels give retailers the ability to increase prices suddenly, Gallino doubts companies like Walmart will take advantage of the technology in that way." Buddy, do I have some bridges to sell you
I acknowledge that saying "that's against the law" does nothing in practice, but this really doesn't feel like it conforms to the spirit of laws against deceptive pricing.
lawsuits comin', comin' down the track🛤️🛤️🛤️
This will make checkout fun when I'm taking 5 minutes to check every price on the receipt against photos I shot on my phone of the tag when I picked it up
aaaaand I'll keep shopping at a groc who issues flyers weekly and hold them to their published price. Not playing at 'surge pricing' on groceries
We've had electronic price displays here for a while, but we also have laws against arbitrarily changing prices, so their main function is removing the tedious task of replacing paper labels.
They are truly the vilest form of evil, people who think of this shit should be driven from society.
A “let them eat cake” moment.
Them: If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream… that’s the good news. Me: [sharpening guillotine] you don’t say.
It’s like they *want* to be looted.
May they thirst and taste nothing sweet.
If I remember correctly these are even flimsier than normal price tags, so just take them off the shelf and bitch that the item isn't labeled.
Also? Price gouging ahead/after hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and other disasters. Illegal, but for how long until they find a way to circumvent it?
I kind of doubt it even as I'm saying this, but I believe the people who say that "surge pricing" is not the grocers' intent. The electronic tags make sense in so many other ways. That consultant mfer is gottdam ghoul tho
Omg I thought you were giving an example of what they'll possibly do with this technology, I didn't realize it was a DIRECT QUOTE
it can also happen online but i have t ever seen it happen