Jeremy's... Iron 🍉🌻🌈

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Jeremy's... Iron 🍉🌻🌈

since both events are now going on, a reminder do yourself a favor and watch large men hit baseballs far instead of forcing yourself to sit through the fascism spectacle
Did you know that the Home Run Derby is tonight so you don't have to watch the RNC, you can just watch some dingers? It'll be better for you.
monthly people killed by police 2012 - march 2024 with linear trend
This is Sylvia Gonzalez. At age 72, she won an upset victory for city council after campaigning to oust the city manager. The mayor didn't like that. So he had her arrested & jailed. The Supreme Court is about to hear her case, which has largely gone unnoticed. A thread.
Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos
The famine isn’t in the news much now but it’s only gotten worse
Manufactured famine
Manufactured famine
The Constitutional Crisis is already here. You are living inside it. No way back, for better or worse. Either fight to win the future or concede to fascist tyranny taking over our country, the world's largest economy and mightiest military.
Don’t go through life with a small vision, thinking you’ve reached your limits. Try a different approach. Every morning say, “My dick, thank you for a thousand times more.” That’s your faith being released. That’s what allows your dick to exceed your expectations.
ISRAELI RESCUE OP FAILS Another war crime: Special Israeli force disguised inside of aid truck (again) Qassam fighters directly engaged them at point-blank with light weapons and anti-personnel shells, resulting in all Israelis killed or injured. Project intersection East of Rafah S Gaza 7.14.24
The ❗️Today, Qassam Brigades fighters said they discovered an Israeli special force that hid itself inside an aid truck and infiltrated east of Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, and clashed with them at ...
They like Trump and want him to win
What in the holy hell is wrong with Axios.
you could genuinely and literally read any of a million stories on a telecom privacy leaks across Axios, New York Times, CNN, and countless other outlets, and not find ONE REFERENCE to the fact that AT&T works tirelessly to erode not just privacy oversight, but all consumer protection oversight
just watched a presser with Milwaukee cops explaining that Wisconsin is an open carry state so they can't do anything about it if somebody's walking around the soft perimeter with an AR
Just left a rightwing coffee shop, where all the men were saying how exhausted they were from masturbating to the Trump raised fist pic all weekend. “But still,” one guy said “that’s all I’m gonna do today.” Others agreed. I got out fast when they started up again.
CPAC adopted this line just two years ago and now the GOP is suddenly all “wait not like that”
After the 13th consecutive record-warm month, NOAA now says 2024 has almost a 60% chance of being the warmest year on record, beating out the already-absurd 2023
1/ I met Donald Trump at Howard Stern's birthday party in 1994. The party was at the Plaza Hotel, which at the time was called the Trump Plaza. Donald Trump hosted the party. I was working for one of the bands that performed at the party. After the party, there was a receiving line to meet Trump.
Liberals stop acting like guns are the problem. Trump was not shot by a gun. He was shot by a book about homosexuality.
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
They're stunning and I'm gonna own it: I don't know how to alt text these. Just imagine three photos showing Mongolian people wearing stunningly detailed and draped outfits mostly in cream with some blue, gold and red details
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
Don't mind her, she's a mid-century modern
i think this should be taken to logical extremes if we're going to do it. birth bird. birth fruit. birth beer variety. birth structure of house. birth emoji
Other crucial pieces: Roof shooter got onto is American Glass Research. Staff say they worked with USSS re: concerns. In other words, ofc USSS scouted location + had a plan! Physically securing the location is EZ for locals. Didn't happen! Nor did cops act when folks screamed "Guy + rifle!" #smh
Like literally just tell your comms staff "post the same message on threads an hour before it goes live on Twitter" and make it known that's the case. Reporters don't want to see hour-old shit
The lack of interest in coordinating this is madness-inducing: communications staff are disempowered, leadership enjoys the incredible access they have to traditional media, massive over-indexing on controlled paid media over earned / organic
Jamal is at 46,195£ right now and there are rumors the Rafah Crossing may be opening soon- we need 60,000£ to get his family out. We missed the first opportunity to do this when the fees were only 25,000£. I really don’t want to miss another one. If you have a little to give please do.
We were killed in all ways, in all places, and in the most horrific ways. There is no end? There is no justice in this world? There is no stopping this waterfall of blood?
Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza, organized by Robyn Hi, my name is Robyn, I am a British citizen living in the UK. I am fundr… Robyn Parsons needs your support for Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was at the rally and she said “There is too much hate” and we need to pray for the country. She is wearing a “Know Your Parasites” t-shirt. These people have no self awareness.
The Biden administration resumed the shipment of 500 pound bombs to Israel. This was Al-Mawasi yesterday.
These are the other shootings that happen in America and all of them get one headline and then no one ever thinks about them again because it happens all the time and everyone has stopped caring