
The openness of some Black men to voting for Trump — despite his history of offensive comments — is often rooted in the belief that the Biden administration has not done enough to ease their economic struggles. A defection by a significant number of them could be disastrous for Biden’s campaign.
Black men helped power Biden’s 2020 Georgia win. Some are “I’m kind of like: ‘Give [Trump] another chance. Let’s see,’ ” one man, who voted for Biden in 2020, said. “Because this is not going to cut it.”
how long did it take you to find black people who support trump for your story
So what kind of black jobs is Trump offering?
Keep voting against Your own interests. The GOP voter way. Thinking that Trump is going to honor any of the things he promises at his rallies especially considerimg his 40 year racist history in NYC is ridiculous. If anyone believes his lies, the joke is on them.
Black men or women who would vote for Trump are few and far between. It's not like Wapo spoke to millions of black people. Biden has done a lot for black people and black people know it. Like any other race there are fools who will vote for Trump even if he pulled out his penis and pissed on them.
"Some" is what percent of black American men?? Or, are you just trolling for clicks ... again?
The openness of some WashPost subscribers to cancel their subscriptions due to a daft English crook becoming publisher — despite his history of offensive comments — is often rooted in the belief that Murdoch media operatives have not done enough to ... A defection by a significant number of them...
Post publisher’s role in hacking response comes into sharper Former U.K. prime minister Gordon Brown calls for William Lewis to be criminally investigated. Lewis says he “did nothing wrong.”
So, they'd rather vote for Trump and wind up worse off economically, socially, and environmentally?
People think only Whites are racist against Hispanics. but that isn't true.
Biden hasn't done enough (in their mind, and neither did Obama), so now we're gonna vote for a full on RAClST (never mind our - black - VP)? 🤨 WoW. FA&FO then.
Lenard and Cornel leading the clown parade over the cliff, except they profit first.
Have you ever, ever, EVER, written a story, just ONE story, about why a far LARGER number of black people do vote for Biden? EVER? Even ONCE? OF COURSE YOU DON'T
What a bunch of malarkey.
Its like inviting yourself to the cookout, and the only person you deign to hang out with is cranky Cousin Marvin... who everyone knows not to talk politics with otherwise things get really weird and uncomfortable.
I gotta hand it to the photographer. It's a pretty cool shot.
Oh, well. I won't worry about them and only vote for what is best for me. Screw 'em. Old me: We still need Affirmative Action. New me: Affirmative Action is unfair to me and my family. It's OK to end. Old me: GOP is racist. I can't vote for racists. New me: Minorities don't care, why should I?
They gave their vote, and then Biden forgot they existed and stomped on their corpses. That's how the democrats roll.
A done deal. Blacks r tired of pandering.
And ferrets COULD fly out of my butt. Anything is possible if we squint hard enough.