
This isn't news and you should feel terrible for publishing it as if it were. Fuck you.
You are making it very hard to maintain my paid subscription as your coverage is biased
Seriously considering cancelling it and donating that money to Biden’s reelection instead. “Democracy dies in darkness”- how about you shine a light on the risk of trump, project 2025, trump’s cognitive issues/raping/cruelty, etc. The real story is the work to dismantle our democracy.
I’m a strong believer in the value of the press and their role in holding others accountable, informing, etc in as unbiased way as possible. Wash Post WAS one of the better ones. It saddens me that they are opting to show obvious bias and ignore what is happening.
I had subscribed for the first time only a couple years ago because of the strength they were showing during the trump administration.
It's like the WaPo hired Crack addicts ... but their addicted to pants pissing about Biden because (checks notes) he sucked at a debate, and the last 3.5 years of him doing the actual job are irrelevant. Meanwhile, there was a lying fascist at the debate who also sucked and ... crickets.
ok thanks let me know if anything changes
Any updates on the convicted felon and his child predator friend?
You forgot, "Much to our chagrin." Get over yourselves and just report the news.
"Thousands sticking with President Biden." Sounds like he's doing better than the Washington Post, at least.
Can you still look at yourselves in the mirror?
Honestly, if we want to defeat Trump or at least have a chance he needs to be replaced.
Oh fuck off, phone hacking right-wing nut job Will Lewis and friends.
In the past 24 hours you’ve posted 12 articles about Biden’s fitness for office and zero about Trump’s. I hate Biden too, but come on.
In the same race, the opponent is a convicted felon and rapist. Do better.
Thousands of articles have been written this week attacking Biden for stuttering during the first half of a debate. The media say they are sticking with the rapist felon - for now and ever.
Perhaps it would be more valuable to document the potential ramifications of certain recent Supreme Court rulings instead of playing journalistic Laser Pointer Cat?
We’re sticking with him. “Period, Period.”, - Biden. This article is “How to say you want Trump in office, because you care more about big business than the people of our democracy, without actually saying it.”
Tomorrow will be Joe Biden doing a live interview on national television. The degree at which this article ages will be determined the following weekend.
Why isn't Felon 45 dominating your headlines? Do you hate democracy?
-At least for now…had to throw in that speculative zinger. Unbelievable.
I mean - that is the point of the Democratic convention to actually decide these things. I don't think there's precedent for voting out the incumbent - but the thinking going in if often not the thinking going out regardless of any "polling" done.
Until they're not. They remain closet NAZI scum. They attacked US college students with stormtroopers, violated their First Amendment Rights to free speech and freedom of assembly. Because they are fucking Nazis. Dems = Nazis. Open your eyes, livestock. #GenocideJoe
Delegates are sticking with Biden. His supposed replacements are sticking with him. Donars are sticking with him, voters are sticking with him -- the only ones jumping ship are the "Democracy Dies in Darkness" crowd, who seem totally unconcerned with covering the actual death of democracy.
You're really covering all the undermining bases, aren'tcha?
The Democratic party is making such a terrible mistake. Biden is weak and fragile and will lose to Trump. When that happens, no one is going to want to be seen with or hear from Biden again.
For now and after he beats the tar out of felon45
So delusional they make the MAGA morons looks good by comparison.
They would have to by then or else lose Ohio because he wouldn't be on the ballot. Am I correct ?
One more Biden waffle party article and I'm blocking you.