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ocean horror | they | english in the us | represented by Kate McKean
my post-top-surgery wound experience does nothing but get worse!!
read TENDER IS THE FLESH by Agustina Bazterrica and holy shit. a perfectly merciless knockout blow of a book. I am going to be rotating that final sentence in my mind for a minute.
tired: participating in discourse wired:
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
all I'm going to say about politics rn is: do not stop talking about Project 2025, even as Major News Events push it out of the headlines
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
Telling liberal writers to quit their jobs at the nation's largest media platforms would only make the national media more conservative, and I have deep suspicions about the motives of anyone who urges them to do so.
keir starmer is a rancid little sockpuppet of a man. british people, time to start hassling your MPs.
this is legit going to ruin the lives of trans kids in the UK i wish every Labour member who okayed this a very someone to force them through the body horror of the wrong puberty and see how they like it
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
i want to know what my cat dreams about
I have told her that people on the internet really like her. she appears dubious
I just think she is the prettiest
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
so, mixed news. our orange cat, Pomelo, was absolutely not coping in our small apartment; he wasn't settling, wouldn't stop screaming, no matter what we tried. with encouragement from the shelter, we made the tough call to return him to them. this was a few weeks back; it's been a hard time.
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
It's time for white Democrats in Congress, white editors & journalists in media, white donors, & white elites to listen to Black Democrats & Black voters who are sticking with Joe Biden. Black voters saved America's ass in 2020. Black voters would suffer most under Trump. Listen to Black voters
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
seriously I cannot get enough. cry more. cry harder. understand that as long as people draw breath the opposition to fascism is stronger than you. whatever your reasons for being a fascist, know every time that your gains will be short ones which you'll relinquish in tears every. fuckin. time
news coming out of france right now is some good fucking food in case anyone needs a lift! fascism is not inevitable! it can be fended off!
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
OK, so this week: - UK Tories wiped out (I know, I know) - Iran votes in a reform PM (I know, I know) - France does this Sometimes, folks, there are glimmers.
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
i am really, REALLY not okay with the idea that someone writing about sexual assault means they must be an abuser. for one thing, the vast majority of art about sexual abuse is created BY THE VICTIMS. the idea that depicting abuse makes you an abuser really fucking pisses me off actually.
"i definitely don't support this unpopular thing," says known liar and convicted felon, predictably keep telling your friends and loved ones about project 2025. like, the specifics. nothing like real and meaningful consequences to get people galvanised.
Reposted byAvatar Waverly
Don't let his lies scare you out of sharing the details of Project 2025 with everyone you know — especially those who are on the fence about their vote this year. There's good reason to believe knowing about Project 2025 focuses people's minds on the stakes. www.salon.com/2024/07/05/p...
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be backfiringwww.salon.com Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
having a bear of a time trying to explain to my mother in law that while i am very happy about the tories getting hosed, i have enormous qualms about starmer. qualmer? qualmer.
I literally watched someone (who would later get called out themself, amusingly) offer "steps to restitution" for anyone who had ever read a freshly-called-out author's books, once
look. i know. i get it. i am also reading the news. but as someone who came to live here voluntarily, and who is trying not to perform death magic on their own brain in the face of horrors, i appreciated reading this today.
Happy 4th! Here are all the reasons that we kick ass! www.sfgate.com/sf-culture/a...
putting the wizard books author on my timeline is an instant unfollow. if i want to feel abjectly helpless as a british trans person, i promise you, there are ANY number of news outlets i can seek out all by myself without your help
on one hand I’m absolutely avoiding as much news/commentary as possible right now. on the other hand that’s because I have holes in my torso and I’m coping extremely poorly. we do have fun
watching SF pride from on high
solved the problem by going to trans march
it is in every respect a dismal day to be online today
it is in every respect a dismal day to be online today