
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Even if you grant that Biden has concerning cognitive issues, it is insane to conclude that Trump is an *improvement*
I do think we need to all be more active but I also think that going nuts at this stage is a terrible idea and the main focus is maintaining democracy. Any concerns I have about Biden are ridiculous given what you've already noted about Trump and how unhinged and ridiculous his "thinking" has been.
It's obviously a disinformation campaign at this point and I wish people would see it as such. It's not like we haven't been through them before
I think that’s a really weird take! I watched a man who says he’s the only one who can defeat fascism fail to complete sentences in a debate he called for. What disinformation is informing my judgement that he can’t win the election? I saw it with my own two eyes.
I think calling it *disinformation* is inaccurate, but it’s clearly trying to lean into his poor debate performance to either manufacture consent for removing Biden, or otherwise trial balloon the same.
Then call it a right-wing influence op, or a narrative-aided power grab, I don't care what people call it as long as they understand how it works
I'm pretty far from an expert, but like...if all of your enemies clearly want you to do shouldn't do it
It’s never been more clear that Democratic leadership only listens to right wing commentators
"These people call me a devil-worshiping pederast...they must have my best interests at heart!"
It’s extremely bizarre. Like newsflash folks Biden is old, it really shouldn’t need saying and yet folks did in fact point this out years ago and you’re only worrying about it now, when the billionaire-owned media and their trained neoliberal lapdogs are baying at you in the hopes you flub it?!?
In retrospect, counting on a Benjamin Button situation might have been foolish