
The Ocean Cleanup is bad. I have yet to meet a single credentialed ocean plastic pollution expert who thinks "drag a giant net through the ocean and scoop out the plastic" is a good idea, and I've been asking for a decade. Stop supporting feel-good-but-harmful pseudoscientific nonsense.
The Dark Side of Ocean Cleanup Some marine biologists think the trash-collecting machines are harming more ocean organisms than they’re helping.
(Mr. Trash Wheel, in the preview image, is good and pure, and is not the Ocean Cleanup)
I was just about to storm into your replies to defend the honor of Mr. Trash Wheel.
I was gonna say, that does not look like an ocean.
I was wondering why you were dissing our trashscot!!
I thought the central Pacific suddenly looked awfully Baltimorean.
Well, this gets to my initial concern that this is a Slate article
Thank you for this clarification. I would have been devastated to learn that Mr Trash Wheel was doing harm
To be clear, anything with googly eyes is good and pure 👀
Let's be wildly optimistic and try to nip some bad behaviors from the last site in the bud: Before jumping into a decade-long discussion with the first thought that pops into your head that's already been widely debunked many times, see if it's addressed in the article. It probably is.
Ok but I trust Slate as much as I trust Elon Musk. Decades of contrarian misinformation isn't something I can dismiss lightly.
Is this a necessary and helpful comment?
Yes, provenance is necessary and helpful to navigating the information ecosystem.
photo editor going for those outrage clicks
Mr. Trash wheel has done nothing to deserve this ire.
Ok, I am perfectly willing to grant the ocean-cleanup thing… But why then are they using a photo of a device (Mr. Trashwheel) that operates in a freshwater city harbor? Is that really the same scenari, if the time between dumping and cleanup is shorter?
Have you considered reading the article?
Yes, lead the article with ocean cleanup machines are killing our oceans, use a picture of Mr. Trashwheel in the headline and 14 paragraphs down say, oh by the way, Mr. Trashwheel is good.
I considered it, and still wanted to know why a photo of a successful program was being used to headline an article about the high-profile failing ones.
Mr. Trash Wheel is not amused by this poor headline/cover photo combination
Reading this on a day when LA County is getting rain and wishing that there were a hundred Professor Trash Wheels along the So Cal coast.
This is disappointing. I live where the Ocean Cleanup often comes between excursions (Victoria, BC) and used to feel sort of warm and fuzzy when I saw their vessels. Sigh.
Didn't they make some huge press release when they scooped up like 20,000lbs of plastic? Which is like, maybe one trailer full (depending on how tightly it's packed).
Oh my bad, it was 10 cargo trailers in one year. Literally a drop in a bucket " In 2023, the Ocean Cleanup’s operations captured more than 335,000 pounds (152,397 kilograms) of plastic."
My handwavy feeling on plastic pollution is that it's only a matter of time before some bacteria or fungus starts eating it in earnest and then we'll have horrible bacterial blooms everywhere and plastic will lose its utility
I’m not going to defend OC but as a layman, it’s the only solution that has really been presented in a large scale way to the public. Fingers crossed for some other options/solutions from experts.
I couldn't believe people would tout stuff like this as a good idea. They clearly never played in streams and ponds as kids.
Pick up your trash then the ocean cleanup can stay home
Yes! Support the Ocean Voyages Institute instead, which hauls out similar tons of plastic, but by tracker and by hand (ie not a giant net).
My first read in the journey from Twitter to BsB and this is the quality I get, very happy already and what a great read. Thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Man I was so ready to jump to Mr. Trash Wheel’s defense. Phew!
I actually think about this problem a lot. Just the scale of the problem is way beyond what we can do. Personally, we should be spending less on getting to mars and more on trying to make the environment here a little better for everyone.