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Gen X / Husband / Father / Anglo-Catholic / Episcopalian / Socialist / Linux Geek / Aspiring Chicagoan / He / Him / Ally

John Berryman: "I myself walked at the funeral of tenderness."
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potentially unpopular opinion, but I think your little backyard fireworks actually suck
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I get it. you're looking for a reason to give up fuck that leave your teethmarks on their bones
Note to self
I joke a lot about my capacity for despair, but there's enough Catholic discipline in my youth to remember that it is in fact a sin, one that absorbs all the best in you more comprehensively than a tar pit. I left the church ages ago, but I held onto that cable: despair is not a long-term good.
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Low-key kinda dig how much of the Greek liturgy is "Wisdom. Let us attend." Church speak for "Pay attention, y'all. Y'all. This. Right here. *snaps fingers* Pay attention. [Redacted], talking to you."
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Pauli Murray, who tried to get testosterone from Howard University Hospital in the 1940s. Pauli Murray, who responded to their rejection from Harvard Law School (which didn't accept women until 1950) by telling the admissions office "I'd gladly change my sex if I could"
thinking of Pauli Murray celebrating this day in 1954 newrepublic.com/article/1559... (for my book, I’ve updated this story with they and them pronouns for Murray)
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weird that her smug, condescending attitude, unerring instinct for the wrong moment to weigh in, and congenital dishonesty didn’t win enough hearts and minds to get her elected over a nazi game-show host
St. Bartholomew, St. Petersburg FL, before Ascension Mass
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Today is the feast of Julian of Norwich. May you know that you are oned with God.
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The Episcopal Church: Where You Can Love Jesus *and* Your Trans Kid.™ ⚓
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Sending love to all my beautiful, brilliant trans & nonbinary friends this morning. You are amazing & inspiring. This world is so much richer & more wonderful for having you in it, being exactly the people you are. I hope the arc of the moral universe, though painfully long, will bend toward justice
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So today I learned about Girl Scout Troop 6000, a Girl Scout troop entirely of girls living in NYC homeless shelters. I also learned that you can buy all your Girl Scout cookies directly from them on-line. Which I just did. And, if anyone else wishes to, can be done here:
End of feed.