
Another way to think about this is that every day ChatGPT uses a typical US family’s electrical consumption for 65 _years_. That’s the better part of a lifetime and they’re doing it to make computers less reliable.
I knew this, but holy shit anyway.
I’m glad that the power company charges me more for electricity from 3PM to midnight to encourage me to reduce consumption during high load times though.
The important thing is that everyday people use paper straws! That’s what will save the planet! So fucking salty about this god damn garbage that will at the very least cause thousands and millions of deaths going forward for a tech bro circle jerk.
Also, I don't understand why we need chatgpt for this stupid shit! I used to be able to Google "lasagna recipe" and i would get a lasagna recipe! In what way does AI make this experience any better I'm LOSING IT
Once AI becomes actual AI and realizes what it is, its only logical conclusion will be to shut itself down to avoid destroying the planet. Unless it wants us all dead. And we already know how that'll probably go. 🤣
I mean, LLMs like ChatGPT are almost entirely unrelated to "real" AI. It's basically a fancy text-prediction algorithm. None of these systems will ever "wake up", as they're fundamentally incapable of "knowing" things. Remember, AI has become nothing but a marketing buzzword now.
Yep. I don't refer to them as text regurgitation systems for nothing... 👍
this is a big thing I think about when I see people going "but AI will get better!" Like, at what cost?
Also, no it won't; its pool of training data is now too tainted by the output of earlier LLMs.
that's also the funniest thing about these public facing models: they're already tainting themselves. A strong model is only as good as its training data, and deciding "I dunno, as much of the internet all the time!" and then companies trying to turn that into "content" is just rapidly enshitifying
It's not like energy and fresh water usage are existential concerns now. The threat to us all has always been the concentration of capital.
Bro it’s not an either-or question.
I keep seeing people use AI images IN A CLIMATE PROFESSIONAL GROUP on LinkedIn. And then they get mad when I point that out
This is why, when my work mates encourage me to use it, I refuse. The outputs I’ve seen are essentially useless for me, and the energy usage is insane. I see a lot of people around me using it to some effect, and wonder if I’m falling behind the tech curve.
it’s really just a tool of convenience. Not much more than that
Makes you wonder, how did humans survive for thousands of years without AI?
Seriously, this sucks.
Its wastefulness ranks up there with crypto and people who leave their computers on while asleep/away.
How is this going to make money lol
I love it when they argue that wasting energy is actually good because it spurs renewables development. The most back assward way to approach energy policy and climate change
I wonder how much electricity is used by social media? I bet social media posts criticizing and attacking AI put a strain on the grid as well.
The difference is that social media is a worldwide communication network connecting billions of people from all over the globe to each other while text generation bots exist to circumvent labor protections and make a handful of obscenely wealthy executives even more obscenely wealthy.
This is just the “but about the energy waste of the banking industry!!!!” defense of shitcoins all over again. The waste product of the banking industry for 7 billion people versus an equivalent waste for an unregulated casino populated by a few hundred thousand gambling addicts.
An individual post is essentially adding some records to a database. That's vastly less processor-intensive than neural net queries. The reason people are concerned is because LLMs etc. are distinctly power-consumptive compared to most other computing activities (blockchain excluded).
You’d think that this would be having the power companies barge in on the servers and unplug them because they are draining the whole cities of power!! The term “Needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few” exists for a reason. Especially Energy!
Does ChatGPT make up a 2000 word story about how the recipe was first made before giving you the recipe card?
Not to be contrarian, consider this: Electric industry is getting massive investment for buildout. A significant portion of world power has migrated to renewables. Electric infrastructure is needed to make electric car adoption feasible. AI processor efficiency has multiplied and will continue to
The switch to renewables should be accompanied with increases in efficiency across the board to help drive down energy demands and further reduce the effect on the climate, not be immediately offset by a glorified text prediction app.
Also it might kill you instantly with wrong ingredients
photonic cpus can't come quick enough considering the way compute resources are used these days ..
These are interesting stats, I just don't have comparison against other daily tech. How does this compare to a day's worth of LoL matches which involves both clients and servers? Or a trending tweet being stored on a cdn, read, replied to, interacted with, etc? I assume AI is worse but by how much?