Tim Wilson

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Tim Wilson


Slacker Extraordinaire
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
Look, all I’m saying is that people will add their own music in their head. Having IG play a song with your picture takes other folks’ option of adding their own soundtrack. It short-circuits imagination. It’s a bad feature that should rarely be used. Also, judging your song selections: they suck.
Man/baby former POTUS. Man/baby veep candidate. Man/baby shooter Lotta man/babies in Trump orbit
I am of rural roots and am Appalachian adjacent. One grandfather was a coal miner in Jellico, KY/TN; another a dirt farmer on Sand Mountain in NE Alabama. I grew up in a small town fifty miles from Nashville during desegregation. 1/2
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
JD Vance looks like the lead singer for a Christian emo band.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
You're never late to a book. Books don't have a use by date, they're always brand new the first time you read them.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
I sat next to Larry King at a Starbucks during the RNC in Philly in 2000 and he went on a rant about how every person of color at the entire convention was onstage. Thinking about that as I watch this feed.
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The Coffee & Cannabis Club hopes you have a terrific Tuesday. ✌️🫶☕️🌲🌬💨💨💨
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Man, gigs have really dried up for my Thanksgiving-themed cover band, Turdokken
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
I told my buddy I choked while eating my cheesy mac lunch and this mf called it macaroni and wheeze
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
Youtube Ads: get the most out of your seed corn. Level up your exam gloves Me: Aren't you supposed to like... know everything about me YTA: Wire money to Mexico. (Ad for a Chinese car, in Mandarin.) M: So much for the Panopticon. YTA: Here's why your drop-shipping store isn't working
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
but 'not being antiblack' requires not a single moment spent on reading any extensive literature other than that meme, "dont be a dick" (applied to your dealings with black people). please read all the lit you like on the subject, but thats an elective. the requirement is simply ‐ don't.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
are you even a nerd if you don't have a box of random wires to devices that don't exist anymore?
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
Guys, I think when MAGA say unity they don’t mean unity with non-MAGA
Took Apple Care ten days from when I notified them that I broke my phone to get the replacement. Not really griping! It was good to revisit a world where one accessed the Internet on computers w keyboards. It had its downsides and, yeah, I’m a weirdo, but trying turning the phone off for intervals.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
Let me be clear. We need to unite as one nation. Under a groove. Gettin’ down just for the funk of it.
Just as one didn’t have to answer the landline phone every time it rang, you don’t have to look just because someone else made a count increment in a red dot on a device. Exceptions apply, but who’s in charge?
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
me: *performs John Cage’s 4’33” in only 3’58”* audience: *goes wild*
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
but there's other ways to process bad things on the horizon beyond the passivity of awaiting bad things to happen to you. i personally prefer risking the delusion of thinking I have more agency than I actually turn out to have than risking the delusion of thinking that I have less. but YMMV
Happy Bastille Day. Vive la France! 🇫🇷 Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity are still ideals worth fighting for.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
I am putting out this heartfelt call: please, I beg of you, it’s important that everyone except me turn down the political temperature! It’s so crucial in these turbulent times for everyone who isn’t myself to watch what they say!! 💗
“Avert your eye from all of this” — Grizzly Bear, “Southern Point”
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson
I basically turned off tv news (except for elections) when I went to bed w Florida undecided in the November 2000 election. I have never seen the videos of 9/11, and I don’t care to see this either. One can turn off the tv and get information through other channels. Immediacy is overrated.
“Is he alive // Can he still feel” — The Clash, “The Right Profile”
I basically turned off tv news (except for elections) when I went to bed w Florida undecided in the November 2000 election. I have never seen the videos of 9/11, and I don’t care to see this either. One can turn off the tv and get information through other channels. Immediacy is overrated.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Wilson