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Extremely online, for a better world, somehow.

I love evil pop music, leftwing politics, Atlanta people, New Orleans parties, and SF community.
New love language: reading out loud any unspoken text on the tv (“3 years later” eg) bc you’re both just listening while looking at your phones
I never got the “only one set of footprints in the sand” thing, like, yeah that’s where my feet just were?? Is jesus supposed to be a ratatouille situation?
Her: do you think I’m the most annoying person to ever live? Me: no, that person was probably murdered.
Monstrumentally — a new malapropism that really kinda works
I wish we lived in a political media environment where I could hope for a breakthrough Biden speech condemning all political violence while making it crystal clear that almost all political violence in this country is committed by the rightwing. But no such speech, no such coverage. Not possible.
Because journalism is about subverted expectations. It’s about man bites dog, not the other way around.
why is there a completely different set of standards for trump
The first unicellular life on earth seems to have basically begun right after shit stopped glowing, 3.7 billion years ago. Then, 3 billion years went by before the first multicellular life appeared, only 600 million years ago. 84% of the history of known life was single-celled.
Lost a close friend 48 hours ago. Please please if you’re feeling isolated and depressed, please PLEASE accept help from your friends. You’re not alone.
I didn’t care about Taylor Swift until she weaponized rereleases, acoustic versions, and her cult-like supporters to maintain a vise grip on the Billboard charts specifically to keep Charli out of the #1 spot. That and her seeming complete lack of mentorship of other artists has turned me hater.
My spicy hot take is that the dismissal of Taylor Swift as an artist is akin to the sneering at Pumpkin Spice Lattes and comes from the same misogynistic assumption that the desires and concerns of girls and young women are trivial, banal, and not substantive enough to merit serious consideration.
I’ve found that many cops and other dumb ppl in positions of authority practice what I call “pastor speak” where they add a bunch of extraneous words and stock phrases that make them sound authoritative to ppl whose only interaction w complete sentences is church.
You know who hasn’t missed this aspect of Project 2025? Domestic violence advocates, shelters, and other service providers. It’s literally life and death for DV survivors
Incidentally one of the things people aren't mentioning about Project 2025 is that ending no fault divorce is in there which means if you have been thinking of getting divorced you should get a move on. Before, yknow, you can't anymore.
This but unironically. Note that when you notice something years before others, they tend to ignore you and the problem, or even consider you *to be* the problem.
Noticing bad things years ago is left-wing. Noticing them when it's too late to do anything about is centrist. Ignoring them is right-wing.
Abolition, yes, but I think that the real prospect of prison time would be most effective as a deterrent for crimes committed by comfortable rich ppl. Yet we don’t punish those crimes at all
If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
Ooooo pop star stans are migrating. Excellent news for this site. Maybe I should start the first(?) bluesky Charli stan account….
I see lots of confusion from Blue Sky users about the presence of BTS ARMY here. I just want to let you all know that we are not here to bother you. We will not be in the replies of your unrelated posts spamming BTS. We are just here to build our community with each other.
Look for ways in which your friends and loved ones could be right instead of how they could be wrong
My insta is hilarious. My feed is all BRAT and gay pop memes and a few friends’ earnest posts, but my stories are all naked women
This is like Darwin discovering a flower with its pollen so deep only a moth w the longest proboscis on earth could access it, hypothesizing that such a moth must exist, and then that very moth getting discovered a hundred years later: we now know the coevolutionary match to the Pringles can.
Don’t do it.
Remember in 2020 when cities cancelled their July Fourth fireworks and then everyone was super confused about why there were fireworks randomly going off all year? Dogs were accusing cats of a conspiracy
The SCOTUS immunity decision is bad, but it’s not blanket immunity for anything a president does ever; it applies only to official acts as president, of which there are plenty that would be otherwise illegal; but we can still prosecute a president for crimes committed as a candidate or civilian.
Just to say that if the SCOTUS rightwingers were *actually* afraid of Dems “grasping for total power” (or whatever Alito’s idiotic phrase was), they would not have granted a Dem POTUS immunity to murder them. They know Dems are too pusillanimous to “do the funniest thing”
Biden now has the authority to order the military to execute every justice who voted to give him that authority
Just walked up to the Muni stop and there’s a Brinks truck just parked on the tracks and a bunch of pissed off ppl waiting. Several ppl go into the bank and yell at someone. 10 minutes later, the roundest Brinks guy I’ve ever seen smirks his way past all of our scowls. Some people man.
Probably not great that the dynamic on the left has the centrists running with their hair on fire about a new candidate and the left saying “no no the chance for that was 4 years ago, gotta white knuckle it at this point brother”
Seems like if you have dogs, you can’t also have a shoeless household
Ever think about how there’s 360 degrees in a circle, and 365 days in a year, which is a measure of a circle? like we were so close, are we sure we can’t splice up that circle five more ways and get it all to line up?
Whenever I see a fork in the road I pick it up, free fork!
whenever there’s a fork in the road i don’t know what to do so i just turn around and go back home
Oh man bluesky might be there. I’m being accused of ableism by a gun rights account lol lmao. That’s Juice
Only cowards carry guns, cops most definitely included
Bluesky is really starting to feel like a permanent home, more useful for news, jokes, and takes—and less and less annoying. Gonna try to really take it to the next level: